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Ep. 82 Blogging is Dead

by | Smart AF Show

Blogging is Dead

Blogging Is Dead

Is blogging a waste of time for your small business? Is writing blog articles a thing of the past like VHS tapes and common sense? Should blog posts be thrown out with 2020?

In this episode, Torie Mathis and her cohost Sean talk about the state of blogging for small business today. Sean talks about his experience with blogging recently and what results it got for his local small business, Miles Through Time Automotive Museum.

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SAF 82

Torie: [00:00:00] None of this stuff is hard and that’s a thing like it does take a little bit of time and it takes maybe a tiny bit of planning like Sean didn’t plan.

Hey everybody. Welcome to the show. I’m your host Torie Mathis and I’m here with the one and only Sean Mathis, founder of Miles Through Time Automotive Museum. 

Sean: [00:00:25] Hey, that’s me. How’s it going?

Torie: [00:00:28] And lots of people. I see, say that blogging is dead. What do you think Sean, you think blogging has done and people should stop doing it for their business. 

Sean: [00:00:38] Newspaper still isn’t dead.

So the answer would be no. 

Torie: [00:00:41] Absolutely not. People online are looking for information. They’re looking for answers to questions. And I think, honestly, I think that blogs are the second best choice. I have a first choice, but the second best choice is not bad. I think the first choice of getting answers is YouTube videos.

Second is absolutely blog articles because that if you are searching anything on Google, most likely what you’re going to find are articles, blog posts on other websites. That’s where people are getting their answers, which means that people like to read them because they give them the answers that they want and Google and other search engines love them because again, they’re providing for what people are searching for and Google wants people to be happy.

And so Google wants to make sure that they’re giving people the answers that they’re actually looking for in the content that they’re actually looking for. And that’s what all these algorithm updates and things like that are generally for is so that man, do you remember, 10 years ago you would go to search for something and then it would put you on this weird landing page with all these other like links of stuff, 

Sean: [00:01:47] Like before Google.

Torie: [00:01:49] No, this wasn’t even, this was after Google, but I guess that people used to build out these websites that were like their own little search engine, and then they’d have all these ads on it and stuff like Google cleaned, all that crap up. If you remember, you know what I’m talking about? 

Sean: [00:02:02] That is like viruses.

Torie: [00:02:04] Yeah. There are all these sites and stuff. Like Google’s. Algorithms, try to get rid of all that crap stuff and then deliver really good information. So if you’re answering questions like answering specific questions that people are searching for, then Google’s gonna serve up your page as answers for them.

And that gives everybody a fantastic opportunity. This doesn’t cost anything. It’s not like TV commercials a long time ago. You don’t have to pay to get in front of people. This is an easy way for your business to get in front of people by answering questions. Sean has a really good example of this that shows that one blog post can do a whole lot to the amount of traffic.

The amount of people that are going to your website. Sean did a little blog post. 

Sean: [00:02:50] Yeah, there was it was a couple of weeks ago. I was looking at the analytics on the website. And so I could see that there was a little bit of a downhill slope on the amount of traffic that was going in there.

And I was like what’s the, what’s going on here? And so I was like, all right, I need to create something fresh. I’ve already told everybody, on the main part of the website, it’s here’s what the museum is about. Here are all these things like that’s already done. So what’s left is a blog post  

I’ve already got all the content for the museum. So I was trying to think of something else, right? What else can I talk about that still ties it to the museum and do everything? So the museum is very close to the number third, most visited city in Georgia. And it’s a tiny town. It’s hell in Georgia. Third, most visited city with a population of like less than 700 people. 

Torie: [00:03:40] Wow. Is it really less than 700 crazy? 

Sean: [00:03:43] It’s crazy. Yeah. You never know. It’s a cool Bavarian town, all that kind of stuff. So I was like, all right, I’m gonna, I’m going write just something super simple about Helen Georgia and how cool that city is.

And that MilesThrough Time is just 20 minutes away that you can go and visit and see the antique mall and antique cars and all this kind of stuff that you can do when you’re already going to Helen. And so I, I tacked it up real quick, threw a couple of pictures in there. Didn’t spend a whole lot of time on it.

It was just, I just puked out a little bit of content really. And then I. Shared it on Facebook. I shared it on Google. I shared it on all social media is really, is just yeah. I think I did it from like a road trip from Atlanta. Yeah. I think that one was just from Atlanta or Georgia or something like that.

Cause I’ve also done it for a road trip from Greenville, South Carolina. Cause we’re about an hour and 15 minutes away from there as well. So these big metropolitan areas where people are already searching, what can we do from these areas? I’m going to tell him what they can go do. And I can coast go to Helen, go to the museum and do a few of the day there are waterfalls.

We got a ton of waterfalls around there. So I put out a bunch of stuff there of all these waterfalls. And by the way, you can also go see a car museum, which is appealing to people. Even the antique people are constantly wanting to go to antique malls. And so if you look where’s our, where our antique malls around me and say five of them all show up within the same radius, you could easily go to all of them, but one of them’s got a car museum with it.

Which one do you think they’re going to choose the car museum? 

Torie: [00:05:20] So how did you figure out what these search terms are? Like I said, I was talking about, you gotta have questions that people are answering. You have to have terms that people are searching for. So how did you come up with these terms to do the blog posts about 

Sean: [00:05:32] Some of it was just. Googling it like trying to figure out what is around like I’ll search Georgia museums. I’ll search all kinds of stuff. Just to see if the museum is pulling up underneath any of those searches. Because again like you said, on the previous slide, if I just searched Miles Through Time I’m like the first four pages. Like it’s all mine. 

Torie: [00:05:54] I sure hope you are. So you’ve got to search beyond your name. You got to get in the shoes of your customers, of your clients, of, for Sean, for people that would visit the museum or that are visiting other things around that might also go to the museum and figure it out.

Sean: [00:06:09] Yeah. It’s, people are looking for things to do you tell them a few things and even. Even cars like car museums. I would list I’ve listed all of them. Like it’s not just about Miles Through Time go. You can go to the Miles Through Time. You can go to, the Memory Lanes. You go to the new one.

So there’s all kinds of different ones you can go to because chances are people are going to go to all of them. It’s the same with a pizza place. You read a blog post that says top five pizza places around here. List competition. 

Torie: [00:06:38] Oh my God. I think you were reading my mind just now. Dang Sean Mathis, man. So I’m thinking I went to this real estate convention with a friend of ours that we were doing some marketing things for realtors, and there was this keynote speaker there and it was all about how realtors should be blogging. And he actually was in. Do you remember this story? He did pools or something like that.

Like it was some type of landscaping things and he was like, you can do this for your business and get found. He, for his business did the five best landscapers or pool. What would it be like pool installation people and wrote a list of them and wrote this big blog post and described all of his competition.

And he put himself at number three. And so people would look up like best Atlanta, pool installation, whatever installers and then find his, because that’s what people are searching for and find his blog posts. And then he’s not even putting himself 

Sean: [00:07:35] On, which happens to be on his website site.

Torie: [00:07:38] And he got them there. Yeah, absolutely. 

Sean: [00:07:40] It totally works for any of them. Dog grooming restaurants, like anything, you got HVAC companies the realtors. Create a list of the top five top, whatever, and slap yourself in there. Number three. And the thing is that the blog posts, this is on your website.

So no matter what, no you can be number 10 out of 10. They’re already on your website, which means you probably should have a sidebar or something, a contact, a learn more like you’re the first step they found you through there. Now, if. It falls apart after that. And they wind up going to the number one.

There’s not a whole lot you can do, 

Torie: [00:08:19] but they might have done that already. 

Sean: [00:08:21] Yeah. The point is that you’re found and they’ve gone to your website, which then, goes way deeper on the algorithm behind Google that makes it so that your website gets found more because you’re getting more traffic to There’s more to it than just. That one visit like that one visit compounds and then it gets shown more and it, it’s a snowball effect on it and it’s all just from. Yeah. Putting a little blog post out there. 

Torie: [00:08:44] And Google knows how many people are clicking on each page, like each search option.

So the more people click on your website, it shows Google that your website is more popular. So it’s going to show your website more often. And it’s not like clickbait because you’re really are giving them good information. It’s not like you’re trying to trick anybody like that. But that kind of popular type of post is definitely something that will get people to click.

One mistake that I see people make. And we have a couple of clients that do this and, we have to, figure some things out for them is that they want to do blog posts. And then they send us picture 

Sean: [00:09:18] It’s brutal. 

Torie: [00:09:20] They’ll do a newsletter or something and they’ll take a picture of it.

And I’ll be like, plus this to our blog posts. Like the thing about blog posts, the thing about pages on websites is that there has to be text. That is what Google is reading Google, Google can’t look in the picture and see what’s actually going on. It has to actually find actual words that are typed, not words and a picture in order for it to know what the post is about so it can show people.

And then there’s also some other things with SEO. You need to have a description and you need to have your keyword in there. You need to have these different things that are in there, but all those things have in common that they’re words that have been typed in there. So if you want to do a post for your   business. You want to show a whole bunch of pictures or you want to show, you want to share something, you type up a little bit of something with it. Google prefers over 300 words. That’s great. If you can. I know sometimes it’s probably a little bit hard. But you have to put texts in there.

Like Sean could do all kinds of posts that would have to do at different displays or different cars, but he would type up like actual words to go with that. 

Sean: [00:10:19] Yeah. The most recent one I did, we took a, was that last weekend or the weekend before I did it. So we went and visited a few places that you know, w we lived in the Atlanta Metro.

We are the demographic. If we weren’t the museum, that it would be a place that wouldn’t be appealing. So we did a real world tour of stopping at one place. Taking photos did all the whole thing experienced it. 

Torie: [00:10:45] We took a day trip from the Atlanta Metro, right? 

Sean: [00:10:47] Yeah. And then we went to the museum and did that like normal. And then we went to another spot and we did this whole big, full circle thing and took pictures at every spot. I said, I just typed up a little bit about each location, shared the pictures that we were at and said that it was a. Perfect day trip to take. And it’s a blog post on Miles Through Time. 

Torie: [00:11:07] So the first place that we went to the school bus graveyard.

We took a whole bunch of photos there, which was really fun. Kids got to run around and do a bunch of things. And, before we went there, Bella and I went and searched for school best graveyard, just to find out people search for it. So by Sean doing a blog post about school bus graveyard, and putting images out there about school bus graveyard, like that’s just connecting the museum to something that people are already. Doing and the fact that it’s not only a day trip from Atlanta, that you could go to school best graveyard, but it’s also car related that like really connects it, that somebody is going to find the museum and not realize, Oh, school graveyard is close. We can make a trip into both of them.

If they’re already going to be traveling, like how do you get them to make that? So by making that connection for people through a blog post, you’re getting people more likely to come that way to visit both of them. The second place that we went to was like a little a little zoo type thing.

And again, very close to that area. So if people were coming and wanted a day trip and they wanted something to do with their family or with kids, like that’s bringing like a whole different demographic. So not only are you bringing car people, but you’re bringing people that want to bring their family and show them around the whole area.

So it’s connecting all these different things that are making it more likely for people to find. Your website. So more people are going to find Miles Through Time because Sean has done those websites or those blog posts, and we took lots of pictures at both. Places provide a lot of information. So that way we’re providing value, right?

To anybody that’s reading that blog post, because the more value that you provide, the more interesting you are that you throw a few photos in there, then it’s likely that people are going to share it. That’s another really awesome thing about making blog posts is they’re super duper shareable. People want to give other people that information.

So if you think about like, how can I make this not only informational, but how can I make it so that somebody would actually share it? That’s like a win-win and I think people with those types of day trips, things like those are totally shareable posts. Especially if you put beautiful pictures in there, which are just pictures, we took ourselves, 

Sean: [00:13:03] Right. It’s a really. Good thing to do. If say you’re not one of the most popular businesses, but there is a really popular attraction business, whatever it is near you that you can connect with to provide relevant, useful content, use the pool that they already have to draw yourself in attached to it.

If you’re a restaurant that is, within a certain. A close distance of, the Dallas Cowboys stadium, you’re going to want to create a blog post that says, you’re this fantastic restaurant. Maybe one of three or something near the Dallas Cowboys stadium that when people, the hundreds of thousands of people that are going there for games are finding you, that’s the place to go eat when we go to a game or, the date nights or whatever the case may be.

Torie: [00:13:53] And when you do that in the blog post, if you actually put the link to those people’s website on there, a lot of people will have it set up that if somebody links to them, they’ll get a notification, which is awesome because everybody wants more media about them. So if you’re writing about them, they’re likely to share it.

Then when you share that on social media, you can tag. The Dallas Cowboys stadium and all those other restaurants. And so they’re seeing that not only are you sharing them on social, but you’re also writing about them, then you start to create that whole like network of sharing that maybe they’re going to share that to their audience.

So if you shared the school best graveyard thing, it’s possible that the school bus graveyard would then share Sean’s article about school bus graveyard. Like it’s linking it, then they know you and then they might be more likely to Refer you like if people are there even in person, because now they know who you are, like it starts to, it’s so many different ways.

Yes. That’s great for Google and yes, it’s great for searching and yes, it’s great for customers, but think you’re also networking with other people that are going to be the ones to refer you. 

Sean: [00:14:50] And to that point, say you are an HVAC company. You don’t, you can do the top three or whatever. Is that’s one angle or let’s say you do just pool, install, installation places, right?

You list the top five local pool installation, places on your HVAC website. It’s not even competition, but summertime people are all that kind of stuff. You’re doing air conditioning same world. But now you’ve got five different pool installation, places that are going to want to share your post to your website.

That all those people have air conditioning needs. There’s a lot of different angles there that you can do that makes it yeah. I mean make it, and you can make it fun. Go test out. The local parks are doing, do things. 

Torie: [00:15:42] We talk about a pizza place and stuff like that. Why not say go to the, grab a pizza and go have a picnic or something.

And then you do a post on the five parks. That are around you. I think there’s so many fun things that you can do that, make it again, Google will find it, but then people find it interesting. And people want to share that because it’s fun stuff that you’re doing something a little bit different. And I think that’s what we need to look at is how do you make it a little bit different?

A museum talking about a city, like that’s a little bit different than just a museum talking about cars over and over again. Then you got to find people that are only searching for cars, but there was other people searching for things that you can bring them into your world. So you got to branch out.

A little bit beyond what your doing so that you can bring other people and other businesses into it. 

Sean: [00:16:23] And now that I’m thinking about it, I can’t believe I haven’t done it before, but stay tuned. I’m going to write a blog post on Miles  Through Time that lists all the restaurants to eat and Clarksville, I haven’t thought of it until just now.

It has nothing to do with the museum directly, but I’m going to create a piece of content that only lists places to eat restaurants, not McDonald’s or Wendy’s or, but sit down nice nicer restaurants just in Clarksville. So if any, because that’s a question I do get asked, where can we eat around here?

I’m going to provide that so that if they’re searching, where do we eat in Clarksville? Because they’re already, already going to go and visit the museum. Now I’m going to pull up an option for them that keeps them on my website that tells them all these places they can go eat. I don’t even have to put a whole lot of effort into it because what I’m going to do is I’m going to Google.

Restaurants in Clarksville, I’m going to go right down the line and I’m gonna put a little bit of information with each one of them. And I’m just going to list it as a blog post on Miles Through Time 

Torie: [00:17:15] So then each one will be linked back to their website. Okay. And then when you share that on Facebook, you can mention all that.

Sean: [00:17:21] They’re all going to want to share it. If any of them are doing anything on social media. Which I hope they are. Some of them, I wish they would do more, but they’re going to want to reshare that. 

Torie: [00:17:31] Have you done one with five best antique malls in North Georgia and then listed the fi like found five and then listen.

And this one happens to have a museum but you just stay here and come up with all kinds of cool little. Yeah. And that’s just how you do it. And so maybe you need to sit down with some people and just start shooting up some ideas and then other ideas come and. And you put it out there and see what works and what doesn’t, because you know what, some of them are going to work.

Some are going to be never going to get found and they’re going to get read and you never know what going 

Sean: [00:18:00] See and that’s the thing is, one that I can think, Oh, everyone’s going to want her, no, this it, get it falls through the cracks or something like it’s just nothing. And then another one where I thought it was nothing special winds up. Reaching thousands of people, 

Torie: [00:18:14] You know what to, I do that all the time. I’m judging it by me. I’m like, ah, maybe this isn’t the best thing to put out because I don’t think it’s the best thing. And I’ve caught you like, get that out of my head because. I it’s not just me. It’s not about me.

Everybody likes different things, so I need to stop judging it and think, I don’t think it’s very great. And just put it out of somebody may find this to be totally fascinating. Like somebody may need to hear this today. Somebody may love whatever it is. Like you got to just push it all out because you do not know.

And what you think is going to work is not going to be, what’s going, it’s the craziest thing, YouTube videos that we’ve done, podcasts that we did. It is not the ones that I’m like, this is the greatest one and it’s not it’s the weird, random one that I’m like, maybe we shouldn’t even post this it’s shit.

And then everybody loves it. You never know 

Sean: [00:19:03] You don’t and really, it doesn’t matter how much time you even put into it. As long as it’s relevant, useful content, it’s good enough. You can always it’ll get fancier and fancier with it, but do you have the amount of time to put into it? Chances are, if you’re focusing on your business, you might not.

Torie: [00:19:22] And I, I said about the school bus graveyard, we took beautiful pictures and we put them in there. You know what? They are pictures that we took with our phones. I don’t think we even edited them. We just pick the best ones and it’s we let the pictures do the talking. Cause it’s really cool.

If you haven’t looked go to the Miles Through Time website and look at the school bus and we have our graveyard pictures or on either of our social media is we’ve been sharing them because. It’s amazing, like what they have done and cars stacked on top of buses and graffiti. That is beautiful. Graffiti. That was crazy. Like it’s totally worth looking at. So when I say that we put beautiful pictures in there. Like it’s not that we are photographers it’s that the pictures are fricking cool. They’re not anything crazy. So when Sean’s writing these posts, Sean is not a writer. Sean does not have a writing degree.

Sean, didn’t hire somebody to write something for him. Sean went and looked some stuff up on YouTube or on Google, put some stuff together. How much time did you spend on that? 

Sean: [00:20:12] I might not even proofread stuff. Probably my window of like time to Actually do this stuff is so small that I try to bus it out as quickly as possible.

Somebody emails me and says, Hey dude, you missed a punctuation 

Torie: [00:20:29] And they don’t say it. They’re like fucking moron. 

Sean: [00:20:32] Yeah. And I’ll fix it if I find it. Other than that, I really don’t care. Because the thing is too is a lot of times my brain, your brain, it fixes stuff. Automatically 

Torie: [00:20:42] It really does.

Sean: [00:20:44] So half the time on a lot of stuff that we have, I just sit and wait to see if anybody even notices stuff that I find out later. And they don’t. They really don’t. So it doesn’t matter,

Torie: [00:20:53] I love here. I hear stories like this all the time about somebody that pushed something, like they were totally not ready, pushed out a book that had mistakes in it and stuff. And then they got that one email or phone call or whatever that said, I was going to kill myself. And your book made me, like there, like I could have not put it out and I like what would have happened? Like you can reach people, you can help people without things being super polished and super perfect.

You do not have to be a writer to write blog posts. You do not have to be a photographer to put out great photos that are just photos 

Sean: [00:21:24] And to that point block posts aren’t printing. So put it out there in a few weeks months. Tweak it, 

Torie: [00:21:31] Change it 

Sean: [00:21:32] and put it out there again. 

Torie: [00:21:34] Like you don’t even have to change it to put it out there again.

Cause people aren’t going to see, like when we say put it out there, share it, like people aren’t going to see it when you share it the first time or the second time or the third time. So keep putting it out, 

Sean: [00:21:43] share it every day for weeks. You’re still not going to reach everybody.

Torie: [00:21:47] I’m going to be annoyed and be like, why do you keep posting that same thing?

Except like maybe your mom, she might notice because she follows you in five people. You know what I mean? Nobody else is really going to notice or see it that many times. And I know Sean is really great at putting all of his stuff on his Google page. So your Google, my business page. Explain to people how example the Helen article, you put that on your Google business page, which like super gets a whole bunch of views as well.

Tell people how you actually do that. Cause I don’t even know. Cause 

Sean: [00:22:15] So on Google business you have a business, you had. You better have Google business filled out and it’s super simple. Google business. See if your business is already listed. If you don’t already have it claimed if it’s, if they’ve already created something for it, claim it.

If there’s nothing create it. And it, you just filling out information, named business contact information about stuff. But then you also have the opportunity to plug in photos, beyond your logo. Nobody cares right about the logo, put the logo in there in the logo section, but they want to see pictures, stuff that represents your business, whether it’s your merchandise, your location.

Torie: [00:22:50] Is this beyond your profile or is this your profile? Okay, so what about I get these emails from Google for the businesses, because all of our we’re both. Admins on all of the businesses. And so I get, sometimes I get emails that Sean doesn’t. So I get these emails from Miles Through Time all the time, and it’s like your picture to a hundred thousand views.

So is that like a feed that you’re putting it on or are you putting it on your profile? Does that mean that’s 

Sean: [00:23:12] just the, that’s just the milestone time. Photos. Okay. So it’s, it would be photos that Google reads as the business, putting the photos there. And then because of the type of business, it is other people can also post photos of their visit with the reviews or any of that, because it puts it all together.

But you can see which ones are done by the business or whatnot. And then there is also a post section where you can put. Post updates events. 

Torie: [00:23:37] Are you putting photos in 

Sean: [00:23:39] Those photos are not part of your photos? Those are just posts. So if you search them twice, then yes. So if you search. Search Miles Through Time or any business.

And because you’re very strict on the name of the business and then all the stuff’s filled out, you should see the business profile to the right side of the page. It’ll have the it, it’s how you get on Google maps. It’ll show your pictures. It has your reviews, the contact information. And then if you’re posting posts, it’ll list the most recent posts there as well, which is just additional ways, information out there that.

You might as well utilize because again, they don’t charge for it. And they like that content. And all I do is the, one of the photos I put on the blog post I’ll upload as the photo to that post, I’ll put a link that takes them to the post and the first couple of sentences of the post. And that’s it.

And so it’s a, there’s a picture and that looks intriguing. Couple of sentences. I want to know more click takes them back to the, 

Torie: [00:24:39] you want to take them back to the website? Okay. Yeah. See, and Google likes showing people stuff from Google. So yes, you want to have all the stuff on your website and you want to draw people into your website.

But if Google wants to show people, Google stuff, like you need to utilize Google 

Sean: [00:24:55] And think of your competition, right? If there’s. Five other people in your city that do the same thing, but you’re the one that’s got your Google business page completely filled out and utilizing it with posts. Constantly having more photos you can tell, if you look at the photos on Google business, that it’ll show  it’ll share a map of you with the amount of photos you have and similar businesses with the amount of photos they have.

Yeah. Miles Through Time like we’re way higher than everyone else. That’s cause they’re not posting pictures. So it makes it algorithm wise we’re way more appealing. So no matter what your business is, fill it out, put as much content in that Google business listing. As you possibly can’t duplicate whatever you’re doing from your website and put it on Google business whatever you’re posting into social media photos, anything like that.

Also put it on Google business because. Google loves themselves. So just put it there as well. And then in what’s going to happen is you’re going to fill up all the search results with your stuff that’s already on Google plus everything else that you’re doing. And you’re going to drowned out the competition where their only option is going to be to pay Google specifically to show their stuff.

Torie: [00:26:04] So when you do all of these blog posts on your website, maybe a few, a handful of month, You don’t just let you don’t have to just let it sit there on your website, but then you go and share it on social and share it on your Google page. And all of those things are bringing back more people to your website.

And you don’t have to share it once you share it over and over again. So once you create this one piece of content, this one blog post, it can keep working for you. Over and over and over and don’t delete blog posts. People, clients are like, Oh, we already did that. Like that’s done, or we’re not sure go ahead and delete that post.

No, you never delete the post because I can still bring people in. You can update it, maybe if it’s for an event and you can say this event is over or check out our new events here, but you never delete that post because you want that link to continually bring people in. And like we say, like it’s the internet, like you couldn’t update anything. It’s not print. You can update it, you can add things to it. You can take things away, you can link them somewhere else, but don’t ever delete it. 

Sean: [00:27:02] And it is not if you build it, they will come. It does like maybe if you’re really lucky, depending on what it is.

But most cases you got work at it. You got to direct people. To that stuff you create.

Torie: [00:27:14] So though you do have to direct people. It’s not hard to do. No. Okay. Yeah. None of this stuff is hard and that’s a thing. Like it does take a little bit of time and it takes maybe a tiny bit of planning like Sean didn’t plan, but Sean is like you say, you do all these posts and it makes you sound like you’re a professional blogger or super organized, or your professional blogger. Are you super organized? Are you super detail oriented? 

Sean: [00:27:39] Definitely not. I’d love to be, but no. 

Torie: [00:27:43] Do you have a schedule of blogging so that you keep it? Okay. Do you have a schedule of when you’re going to share your posts? 

Sean: [00:27:49] No, absolutely not. 

Torie: [00:27:49] Like Sean is just doing it like every day, a little bit every day, a little bit.

Sean: [00:27:54] In fact, a lot of times I don’t even think about it until something triggers it, like earlier in this episode where I’m like, Hey, I’m going to do the restaurants, or the other antique miles. That’s how it happens. And then I think on it until I get that window of opportunity to actually do it.

Which is usually really quick, cause I only want to, I wanna, I’m an action guy. So as soon as I think of it, I want to try to get it done as soon as I possibly can. Which literally means I cut as many corners as I can to get it out there. And it’s just good enough. I can always expand on things too.

You can always create that initial blog post, really quick. And then, when you get more information or content. Create another one and link it to that. First one is a continuation. There’s so many things you can do, which is why one of the, one of the important things is having a website that is functional and has the ability to have this blog.

They’re there, you can get the most simple website out there and it’s not going to do what you want it to do. So it’s one of those things that you got to take into account and know that going that little extra step on having a more. Robust website and including that it can work in your favor if you use it.

Torie: [00:29:01] And then when you come up with these ideas, like this, like text yourself. Cause sometimes like you can’t stop what you’re doing because maybe you’re doing like your regular work or something like that, but text yourself. So you have that idea because. Ideas are gonna come to you all the time. Talk to your spouse, talk to some people in the office. If you have that talk to some of your employees, talk to some of your friends and start like getting this dialogue of all these ideas that you can come to it. And then just like Sean does just get them done.

Good enough because good enough is enough to help people and answer those questions and get people onto your website and connect with all these other businesses. And blogging is not dead at all.

Sean: [00:29:38] Nope.

Torie: [00:29:39] Not at all. And Sean, after you shared that Helen post, you noticed that your traffic went down again.

What happened? What did you do? 

Sean: [00:29:47] No. 

Torie: [00:29:47] You said that it after you shared the post, is your traffic went back up and then you noticed that it came down and what did you do? 

Sean: [00:29:53] I reshared it.

Torie: [00:29:54] And what happened?

Sean: [00:29:55] It went back up again, 

Torie: [00:29:56] Like it’s a wave. It’s not like it’s one time and then it’s dead. Sean’s traffic dipped a little bit more.

And so he shared the Helen post and his traffic went up again. Sean could probably go right now and share the post and guess what would happen to his traffic on Miles Through Time probably go up again at 

Sean: [00:30:12] Any, anything that I put out there that, that will take them back to the West side. I That’s what I always want to do.

I want to send them home. I’m going to send them back to the website. Every single time, because that’s where the rest of the information is. If I just put stuff out there, that’s Oh, that’s great information, but it doesn’t actually help me any, like what good is that? It’s a waste of time. 

Torie: [00:30:32] Yeah, just get it all connected, get it all, bring back to your website.

And then if you see our other video that we did about what’s the number one thing that your, your website is doing, then your website is working for you. So all these things are they’re working for you, your website’s working for you. The blog posts working for you, the Google page is working for you.

And then they’re all working together. It takes a little bit time, a little baby steps that end up being a snowball.

Sean: [00:30:55] You can do it. 

Torie: [00:30:55] You can do it. I have faith in you. Absolutely. If you liked this episode, we would super appreciate it. If you would share it with people that you think may need this information, and we will see you on the next,  you need to get smart tools to build your business go to getsmartaf.com

About Digital Marketing Expert Torie Mathis

Torie Mathis helps entrepreneurs, like you, use digital marketing to grow your business without wasting time, money, or your sanity.  She is a best-selling author, Army veteran, speaker + trainer, and your digital marketing coach. You don't need crazy tech skills, buckets of cash, or dedicated staff to market your business. In fact, you don't even need a lot of time. What you need is to be SMART.

Torie hosts SMART AF, a show for non-techy entrepreneurs looking to grow their business, with her husband Sean and is the creator of SMART AF Magazine. Learn from Torie at the Smart Arsenal and on her channel.

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Torie Mathis HeadshotI help entrepreneurs (like you) use digital marketing to get more clients + to make more money. And I make it easy! 

You don’t need crazy tech skills, buckets of cash, or dedicated staff to market your business. You don’t even need a lot of time.

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