Learn SMART Marketing


Being a coach is tough enough as it is – constantly guiding clients towards their goals, managing your own schedule, and keeping up with industry trends can be overwhelming.

On top of that, marketing yourself effectively can seem like an insurmountable task. Between the endless options of advertising channels, competing with other coaches in the industry, and trying to generate leads, it’s no wonder that many coaches struggle to grow their businesses through marketing.

But fear not, my coaching friends! There is a solution to these challenges, and it comes in the form of the Smart Marketing system. This system is designed to provide coaches with an easy-to-follow blueprint for reaching their marketing goals without wasting precious time and money. And the best part? It actually works!

Smart AF Method by Torie Mathis
marketing for coaches

Using the Smart Marketing system can help coaches save time and money while achieving marketing success. With its five marketing pillars, coaches can create a scalable system that consistently grows their business and helps them rise above the competition. 

So What Exactly Is This Smart Marketing System We Keep Talking About?

It’s an acronym for the 5 marketing pillars that make up a successful marketing strategy: Sales Process, Message, Authority, Relationship Building, and Traffic. Let’s break down what each of these pillars means for coaches and how they can be used to achieve marketing success.

Is Your Marketing SMART? Take the quiz and find out

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The SMART Marketing System For Coaches

I created the SMART Marketing system, so small businesses, solopreneurs, and service professionals – like you – can have an easy-to-follow blueprint for reaching their business marketing goals without wasting time and money.

It means less guess work trying to figure out what to do – there is a purpose for each marketing strategy instead of hoping it works.

What Is SMART Marketing?

SMART stands for the 5 marketing pillars:

  • Sales Process
  • Message
  • Authority
  • Relationship Building
  • Traffic

– and together they create a scalable system to consistently grow your coaching and help you rise above your competition.

Smart marketing connects all of your marketing making it more effective and more fun!

The Importance Of A Clear Sales Process For Coaches

As a coach, your primary focus is on guiding clients towards achieving their goals. But in order to do that, you need to have a clear sales process in place that aligns with your coaching services and customer needs. Without a clear sales process, you run the risk of losing potential clients, failing to close deals, and ultimately losing revenue.

So how can you develop a sales process that works for your coaching business? Here are some tips to get started:

Understand Your Ideal Coaching Client

Before you can develop a sales process, you need to know who your ideal coaching client is. What are their pain points? What are their goals? What are their values? Understanding your ideal client will help you tailor your sales process to their needs.

Define Your Coaching Services

Clearly defining your coaching services is crucial for building trust and credibility with potential clients. Make sure your coaching services are aligned with your ideal client’s needs, and that you can clearly articulate the benefits of working with you.

Create A Sales Funnel

A sales funnel is a step-by-step process that takes potential clients from initial contact to a closed deal. Your sales funnel should include stages like lead generation, lead nurturing, and closing the deal. By mapping out your sales funnel, you can ensure that you’re not missing any crucial steps in the sales process.

Build Trust And Credibility

As a coach, your clients are trusting you to guide them towards their goals. Building trust and credibility with potential clients is essential for closing deals. You can build trust and credibility through client testimonials, case studies, and thought leadership in the coaching industry.

By following these tips, you can develop a clear sales process that aligns with your coaching services and customer needs. And with the Smart Marketing system, you can ensure that your sales process is part of a scalable and effective marketing strategy that consistently grows your coaching business. So get out there and start closing some deals, coach!

sales process

Want to Learn more About Sales process?

Are you ready to improve your sales process? Get the tools and resources for a highly effective sales process below.


Crafting A Compelling Marketing Message For Coaches

As a coach, you have a unique set of skills and services to offer your clients. But how do you communicate that in a way that resonates with your ideal coaching client and sets you apart from your competition? The answer lies in crafting a compelling marketing message.

The Importance Of A Clear Marketing Message

A clear marketing message is crucial for attracting and converting potential clients. It should speak directly to your ideal coaching client’s pain points, clearly articulate the benefits of working with you, and differentiate you from other coaches in the industry.

Here are some tips to help you craft a compelling marketing message that resonates with your coaching audience:

Know Your Ideal Coaching Client Inside And Out

In order to craft a marketing message that speaks directly to your ideal coaching client, you need to know them inside and out. What are their pain points? What are their goals? What are their values? Use this information to craft a message that speaks directly to their needs.

Focus On Benefits, Not Features

Your potential coaching clients are looking for solutions to their problems. Instead of focusing on the features of your coaching services, focus on the benefits that they will receive by working with you. For example, instead of saying “I offer one-on-one coaching sessions”, say “I help you achieve your goals faster by providing personalized one-on-one coaching sessions.”

Use Clear And Compelling Language

Your marketing message should be easy to understand and use language that resonates with your ideal coaching client. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that may confuse or alienate potential clients. Use clear and compelling language that paints a picture of the benefits of working with you.

With a clear and compelling marketing message that speaks to your ideal coaching client, you’ll be well on your way to building a successful coaching business. And with the Smart Marketing system, you can ensure that your message is part of a scalable and effective marketing strategy that consistently grows your coaching business. 

Want to Learn more About Improving Your Messaging?

Are you ready to improve your messaging? Get the tools and resources for a highly effective message below.

Establishing Authority As A Coach:
Tips For Building Your Reputation

Establishing authority in the coaching industry is crucial for marketing success. By positioning yourself as an expert in your niche, you’ll be able to attract more clients, command higher fees, and stand out from the competition. Here are some tips for building authority as a coach:

The Importance Of Establishing Authority

Establishing authority in the coaching industry is a powerful marketing tactic. By establishing yourself as a thought leader and expert in your field, you’ll build trust with potential clients and be top-of-mind when they’re ready to invest in coaching services. This can lead to more clients, higher fees, and a more successful coaching business.

Here are some tips to help you build your authority as a coach:

Create Compelling Content

Creating compelling content is a great way to establish authority in the coaching industry. By sharing your knowledge and expertise through blog posts, articles, and social media, you’ll demonstrate your expertise and attract potential clients. Make sure your content is informative, engaging, and relevant to your target audience.

Network With Other Coaches And Industry Leaders

Networking with other coaches and industry leaders is another effective way to establish authority. Attend conferences, join industry associations, and participate in online forums and groups to connect with other professionals in your field. By building relationships with other coaches and leaders, you’ll increase your visibility and credibility in the industry.

Establish Yourself As A Thought Leader

Establishing yourself as a thought leader is another effective way to build authority in the coaching industry. Consider publishing a book, hosting a podcast, or speaking at industry events to demonstrate your expertise and position yourself as an expert in your niche.

By following these tips and establishing yourself as an authority in the coaching industry, you’ll be well on your way to marketing success. And with the Smart Marketing system, you can ensure that your authority-building efforts are part of a larger, effective marketing strategy that consistently grows your coaching business. 


Want to Learn more About Improving Your Authority?

Are you ready to improve your authority? Get the tools and resources for a highly effective authority below.


Relationship Building For Coaches

As a coach, you don’t just want one-time clients; you want lifelong fans who will sing your praises to anyone who will listen. Building strong relationships with your coaching clients is key to creating that kind of loyalty and trust.

One important way to build relationships with your clients is through exceptional customer service. Respond to their questions and concerns promptly, and go above and beyond to make sure they’re satisfied with your services. Happy clients are more likely to refer their friends and colleagues to you.

Email Marketing For Coaches

Email marketing is another powerful tool for building relationships with your coaching clients. Regularly sending valuable, educational content to your email list can keep them engaged and interested in your coaching services. You can also use email to offer exclusive deals, promotions, and incentives to your loyal clients.

Social Media For Coaches

Social media is another great way to build relationships with your coaching clients. Interacting with them on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, or Instagram can help you stay top-of-mind and build a sense of community around your coaching services. Remember to be authentic, engaging, and approachable when you interact with your followers, and always be responsive to their questions and feedback.

By investing in relationship building with your coaching clients, you’ll create a foundation of trust and loyalty that will pay dividends in the long run.

Want to Learn more About Improving Your Relationship Building?

Are you ready to improve your relationship building? Get the tools and resources for a highly effective relationships below.

Traffic To Grow Your Coaching Empire

No matter how great your coaching services are, if nobody knows about them, you won’t get very far. That’s why generating traffic to your website and social media platforms is critical for your coaching business.

SEO For Coaches

One way to increase traffic is through search engine optimization (SEO). By optimizing your website with relevant keywords, meta tags, and descriptions, you can improve your search engine rankings and drive more traffic to your site. You can also create content that addresses common questions and challenges your coaching clients face, which can help you rank higher in search results and position yourself as an authority in your niche.

Paid Ads For Coaches

Paid advertising is another effective way to drive traffic to your coaching business. Platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads allow you to target your ideal coaching clients based on their demographics, interests, and behaviors, and display your ads to them in search results, social media feeds, and other online channels.

Content Marketing For Coaches

Content marketing is yet another powerful tactic for generating traffic to your coaching website. By creating high-quality, valuable content such as blog posts, infographics, and videos, you can attract visitors to your site who are interested in your coaching services. You can also share your content on social media and other online platforms to reach a wider audience and increase your brand awareness.

Social Media Marketing For Coaches

In addition to using SEO, paid advertising, and content marketing to drive traffic to your coaching business, social media platforms can be a great way to reach your target audience and generate organic traffic. Just be sure to maintain a consistent brand message and engage with your audience to build relationships and establish trust.

With the SMART Marketing system’s Traffic pillar, you can take a comprehensive approach to generating traffic to your coaching website and social media platforms. By combining SEO, paid advertising, and content marketing strategies, you can attract more qualified leads to your business and grow your coaching empire.


Want to Learn more About Improving Your Traffic?

Are you ready to improve your traffic? Get the tools and resources for a highly effective traffic below.

smart marketing works

Putting In All Together: Let’s Get Smart, Coach!

The Smart Marketing system provides coaches with an easy-to-follow blueprint for reaching their business marketing goals without wasting time and money. By focusing on the five marketing pillars of Sales Process, Message, Authority, Relationship Building, and Traffic, coaches can create a scalable system to consistently grow their business and stand out from the competition.

To implement the Smart Marketing system in your coaching marketing strategy, be sure to develop a clear sales process that aligns with your coaching services and customer needs, craft a compelling marketing message that resonates with your coaching audience, build authority through content marketing, networking, and thought leadership, foster loyalty and trust through customer service, email marketing, and social media engagement, and generate traffic to your website and social media platforms through SEO, paid advertising, and content marketing.

We encourage coaches to join the Smart Arsenal, where you can learn digital marketing with the Smart Marketing system, get over $10k in DFY templates to shortcut your success, and receive hands-on help from successful entrepreneurs.

By implementing the Smart Marketing system, coaches can save time, money, and get better results in growing their coaching business. Don’t wait, join the Smart Arsenal today!

Want to Learn more About Smart Marketing?

Are you ready to improve your marketing? Get the tools and resources for a highly effective marketing strategy below.

Tools and resources to improve your Restaurant Marketing!

45 Marketing Ideas for Coaches

45 marketing ideas

Need to get a head start on your marketing? Get 45 Coaching marketing ideas that you can do today.

Coaching Funnel Template

Light Coach Website by Torie Mathis

Instead of wasting time building and website, funnel and membership from scratch grab this full coaching Website with built-in membership and just edit it yourself using simple tutorial videos.

Social Media Planner

social media planner

If you’re finally ready to stop wasting time on social media, then this is the guide and planner for your business.

is your marketing smart take the quiz

4 Steps to Get SMART

1. Where you at?

Let's take a serious look at where you are and where you want to go. Only then do you know what you need to work on.

2. Fill the Gap

It's time to fill in the gaps in order to get results. What skills do you need?  What systems do you need to create?

3. Cheat the System

Use tools, templates, and done-for-you resources to work smarter. No need to reinvent anything - it's already been done.

4.The Dream team

Entrepreneurship is lonely. Get the support you need. Coaching and community are essential to becoming a successful entrepreneur.

Torie Mathis

“If you’re ready to get serious about getting SMART with your coaching business marketing, then you’re in the right place. I’ve helped thousands of business owners improve their Marketing Strategy. I’m here to break down the steps and give you the tools you need to make it easy and effective. Let’s get smart! Let’s dive into your coach / consultant marketing.”

Torie Mathis
Your Smart Marketing Coach

Want some Hands-On Help with your Digital Marketing?

Get Expert Coaching in the Smart Arsenal.

The Smart Arsenal gives you access to one-on-one coaching, office hours, your bespoke SMART Marketing Plan, full access to our Smart AF Funnels and website templates, video training, done-for-you resources, calendars, and more.

It’s how to get SMART with your digital marketing.

Learn Digital marketing in the Smart Arsenal with Torie Mathis
torie and sean mathis

Is Your Marketing Taking You Away From The Things You Love?

What if you could get amazing results from your marketing without spending more time, more money, AND it was easy and predictable? Sean and I have suffered through it too, and we found the answer...

Hi! I'm Torie!

Torie Mathis HeadshotI help entrepreneurs (like you) use digital marketing to get more clients + make more money. And I make it easy!

You don’t need crazy tech skills, buckets of cash, or dedicated staff to market your business. You don’t even need a lot of time.

What you need is to be SMART.

Get Smart AF

from your Digital Marketing Coach Torie Mathis!

Let's get SMART!

Let's Connect!

Veteran Owned Business

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