Learn SMART Marketing

How to Make Your Dental Practice Stand Out with SMART Marketing

If you’re a dentist, you know that competition is fierce. From other local practices to online options that offer dental services, you need a way to stand out and attract new patients. Enter the SMART Marketing system. This easy-to-follow blueprint is designed to help small businesses, solopreneurs, and service professionals like you reach their marketing goals without wasting time and money.

And it will get your dental practice amazing results without wasting time or money on marketing tactics that just don’t work.

Smart AF Method by Torie Mathis
dental marketing

Why is a marketing system important for dentists?

Well, simply put, without one, you’re leaving your practice’s success up to chance. By having a system in place, you can proactively reach out to potential patients, build your brand, and establish yourself as an expert in the dental industry. Plus, with the right marketing strategy, you can attract the types of patients you want to work with and keep your appointment calendar full.

Let’s break down the SMART Marketing system into its five key pillars – sales process, message, authority, relationship building, and traffic – and show you how dentists can use them to boost their marketing efforts. Whether you’re a solo practitioner or part of a larger practice, there’s something here for everyone. So, let’s get started!

Is Your Dental Marketing SMART? Take the quiz and find out

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Your Dental Office And The Smart Marketing System

I created the SMART Marketing system, so small businesses, solopreneurs, and service professionals – like you – can have an easy-to-follow blueprint for reaching their business marketing goals without wasting time and money.

It means less guess work trying to figure out what to do – there is a purpose for each marketing strategy instead of hoping it works.

What Is SMART Marketing?

SMART stands for the 5 marketing pillars:

  • Sales Process
  • Message
  • Authority
  • Relationship Building
  • Traffic

– and together they create a scalable system to consistently grow your dental business and help you rise above your competition.

Smart marketing connects all of your marketing making it more effective and more fun!

Crafting a Sales Process That Works for Your Dental Practice

When you hear the words “sales process,” you might think of pushy car salesmen or door-to-door vacuum salespeople. But in reality, a sales process is simply a step-by-step system for attracting and converting potential customers into paying ones. And for dentists, having a well-defined sales process is crucial to building a steady stream of patients.

So, what does a sales process look like for a dental practice? It could include things like:

  • Creating a clear pricing structure and outlining what services are included
  • Offering free consultations or initial exams to potential patients
  • Providing educational materials (such as videos or blog posts) that answer common questions and concerns
  • Following up with potential patients after their initial visit to keep them engaged and interested in your practice

By having a sales process that works for your dental practice, you can attract the types of patients you want to work with and ensure that they understand the value of your services. Plus, having a clear process in place can help you build trust and credibility with potential patients, which is essential in the healthcare industry.

The Benefits of A Sales Process for Your Dental Marketing

But the benefits of a sales process don’t stop there. By creating a system for attracting and converting patients, you can also save time and money on marketing efforts that might not be working. Instead, you can focus on the strategies that are proven to work for your practice, allowing you to maximize your return on investment.

So, let’s raise a toothbrush to crafting a sales process that works for your dental practice – and making molars and money in the process!

sales process

Want to Learn more About Sales process?

Are you ready to improve your sales process? Get the tools and resources for a highly effective sales process below.


Crafting a Message That Resonates With Potential Dental Patients

When it comes to marketing, messaging is everything. Your message is what sets you apart from other dental practices and helps potential patients understand why they should choose you. But how do you craft a message that resonates with your audience?

Your Target Market

First, it’s important to understand your target market. Who are the patients you want to attract? What are their pain points and concerns when it comes to dental care? By understanding your audience, you can tailor your message to address their specific needs and interests.

What Makes You Unique

Next, focus on the benefits of your services. What makes your practice unique? Do you use the latest technology to provide pain-free treatments? Do you have a welcoming and friendly staff? By highlighting the benefits of your services, you can show potential patients why they should choose you over other dental practices.

And don’t forget about your tone of voice. You want your message to be professional but approachable. Try injecting a little humor or personality into your messaging to make it more memorable.

Here are a few examples of effective dental marketing messages:

  • “Don’t let a trip to the dentist leave a bad taste in your mouth. Our pain-free treatments will have you smiling in no time.”
  • “We’re not just filling cavities – we’re building relationships. Come see why our patients keep coming back.”
  • “Braces aren’t just for teenagers. Our adult orthodontic options will give you the smile you’ve always wanted.”

By crafting a message that resonates with your audience and highlights the benefits of your services, you can stand out from the crowd and attract the right patients to your practice. So, go ahead and smile wide – your message is sure to catch their attention.

Want to Learn more About Improving Your Messaging?

Are you ready to improve your messaging? Get the tools and resources for a highly effective message below.

Establishing Authority in the Dental Industry

When it comes to dental care, patients want to know they’re in good hands. That’s why establishing yourself as an authority in the dental industry is so important. But what exactly does it mean to have authority, and how can dentists build it?

In simple terms, authority is the perception that you are an expert in your field. By sharing your knowledge and expertise, you can build trust with potential patients and position yourself as a go-to resource for all things dental.

So how can you build authority as a dentist? Here are a few strategies:

  • Publish articles or blog posts on your website or in industry publications
  • Speak at events or conferences to share your expertise with others in the industry
  • Create educational videos or social media posts that showcase your knowledge and experience
  • Offer free resources (such as e-books or webinars) that provide value to potential patients

Attract more patients with Authority

By establishing yourself as an authority in the dental industry, you can attract more patients and build a reputation for excellence. Plus, being seen as an expert can also lead to speaking opportunities, media coverage, and other professional opportunities that can help grow your practice.

So, don’t be shy about sharing your knowledge and expertise. By establishing authority in the dental industry, you can set yourself apart from other practices and build a loyal following of patients who trust you with their dental care.


Want to Learn more About Improving Your Authority?

Are you ready to improve your authority? Get the tools and resources for a highly effective authority below.


Why Building Relationships with Patients Matters

When it comes to dental care, patients want to feel like they’re more than just a set of teeth in a chair. That’s why building strong relationships with potential and current patients is crucial for dental practices.

By nurturing relationships with patients, you can create a sense of trust and loyalty that can keep them coming back to your practice for years to come. Plus, strong patient relationships can also lead to word-of-mouth referrals, positive online reviews, and other benefits that can help grow your practice.

So how can dentists build relationships with their patients? Here are a few tips:

  • Use social media to engage with patients and share updates about your practice
  • Send regular email newsletters or updates to keep patients in the loop about new services or promotions
  • Personalize the patient experience by remembering details about their lives and interests
  • Offer incentives for referrals or loyalty, such as discounts or free services

By building strong relationships with your patients, you can create a practice that feels more like a community. And when patients feel like they’re part of that community, they’re more likely to stick around for the long haul.

So, don’t be afraid to go the extra mile to show your patients you care. From remembering their favorite hobbies to offering special promotions, every little bit helps when it comes to building strong patient relationships.

Want to Learn more About Improving Your Relationship Building?

Are you ready to improve your relationship building? Get the tools and resources for a highly effective relationships below.

Generating Traffic to Your Dental Practice

As a dentist, you might be the best in your field, but if no one knows you exist, it can be hard to build a successful practice. That’s why generating traffic – or a steady flow of new patients – is so important.

Luckily, there are plenty of strategies for driving traffic to your practice. Here are a few to consider:

  • Invest in search engine optimization (SEO) to ensure your practice shows up in online search results
  • Use social media to promote your practice and engage with potential patients
  • Run paid advertising campaigns on social media or search engines to target specific demographics
  • Attend local events or sponsor community activities to raise awareness about your practice

By using these strategies and others, you can attract new patients to your practice and keep a consistent flow of traffic coming through your doors.

But why is traffic so important? Well, for starters, it’s essential for keeping your practice afloat. Without a steady stream of new patients, it can be tough to maintain revenue and grow your practice.

Plus, a consistent flow of new patients can also help you build a stronger reputation in your community. When people see that your practice is busy and in-demand, it can create a sense of trust and credibility that can lead to even more traffic in the future.

So don’t let your practice get stuck in a rut. With the right strategies for generating traffic, you can keep your practice growing and thriving for years to come.


Want to Learn more About Improving Your Traffic?

Are you ready to improve your traffic? Get the tools and resources for a highly effective traffic below.

smart marketing works

Smartening Up Your Dental Marketing: Putting It All Together

So we’ve covered a lot of ground in this article, but let’s take a moment to recap. The SMART Marketing system is made up of five key pillars that are essential for building a successful dental practice: Sales Process, Message, Authority, Relationship Building, and Traffic.

For dentists, each of these pillars plays a critical role in attracting new patients, building credibility, and maintaining a thriving practice. By creating a well-defined sales process, crafting a compelling marketing message, establishing yourself as an authority in your field, building strong relationships with patients, and generating a steady flow of traffic, you can set yourself up for long-term success.

But how do you put it all into action? Here are a few examples of how dentists can implement the SMART Marketing system:

  • Develop a clear and concise sales process that outlines how patients move from initial consultation to treatment and beyond
  • Craft a marketing message that highlights your unique value proposition and resonates with potential patients
  • Establish yourself as an authority in your field by publishing articles or speaking at industry events
  • Use social media and email marketing to build strong relationships with your patients and keep them engaged with your practice
  • Generate traffic through SEO, paid advertising, and community events to keep new patients coming in the door

By implementing these strategies and others, you can create a marketing system that works for your practice and helps you achieve your business goals.

So what are you waiting for? It’s time to start smartening up your dental marketing and taking your practice to the next level. With the SMART Marketing system as your guide, you can build a thriving practice that attracts new patients, establishes your credibility, and sets you up for long-term success.

Want to Learn more About Smart Marketing?

Are you ready to improve your marketing? Get the tools and resources for a highly effective marketing strategy below.

Tools and resources to improve your dental marketing!

45 Dental marketing Ideas

45 marketing ideas

Need to get a head start on your Dental marketing? Get 45 dentistry marketing ideas that you can do today.

Dentist Funnel Template

dentist funnel by Torie Mathis

This Dental Lead Generation Funnel designed to create extra revenue for your dental business with a Landing Page, email confirmation and Thank You Page. It’s the best dentist funnel!

Social Media Planner

social media planner

If you’re finally ready to stop wasting time on social media, then this is the guide and planner for your business.

Review Funnel + Review Bootcamp

Get More Reviews for Your Business!

Join the FREE Review Boost Bootcamp:

  • Learn how to EASILY get more reviews on autopilot
  • Discover EXACTLY how to handle a bad review
  • Get email scripts, review response templates, and tools to make it all easy peasy.
  • PLUS: Get the professionally designed Smart Review Template proven to get MORE reviews FAST! (a $297 value!)
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Torie Mathis

“If you’re ready to get serious about getting SMART with your dental marketing, then you’re in the right place. I’ve helped thousands of business owners improve their Marketing Strategy. I’m here to break down the steps and give you the tools you need to make it easy and effective. Let’s get smart! Let’s dive into your dental marketing.”

Torie Mathis
Your Smart Marketing Coach

Want some Hands-On Help with your Digital Marketing?

Get Expert Coaching in the Smart Arsenal.

The Smart Arsenal gives you access to one-on-one coaching, office hours, your bespoke SMART Marketing Plan, full access to our Smart AF Funnels and website templates, video training, done-for-you resources, calendars, and more.

It’s how to get SMART with your digital marketing.

Learn Digital marketing in the Smart Arsenal with Torie Mathis
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Is Your Marketing Taking You Away From The Things You Love?

What if you could get amazing results from your marketing without spending more time, more money, AND it was easy and predictable? Sean and I have suffered through it too, and we found the answer...

Hi! I'm Torie!

Torie Mathis HeadshotI help entrepreneurs (like you) use digital marketing to get more clients + make more money. And I make it easy!

You don’t need crazy tech skills, buckets of cash, or dedicated staff to market your business. You don’t even need a lot of time.

What you need is to be SMART.

Get Smart AF

from your Digital Marketing Coach Torie Mathis!

Let's get SMART!

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