If you’re struggling to grow your business, frustrated with social media and all the digital tools you’re “supposed” to be using, or if your damn tired of wasting your time and money on things that are just not working then you are in the right place, my friend.
Smart AF is your source to what’s working for small business today from Army Veteran, Marketing Expert, and Agency CEO, Torie Mathis.
Smart AF Show Episodes
Ep. 83 When Business Doesn’t Go As Planned
This past year, every business experienced unexpected situations, but in business, this isn't new. No matter how much you plan there are always going to be things that don't go as planned.
Ep. 82 Blogging is Dead
Is blogging a waste of time for your small business? Is writing blog articles a thing of the past like VHS tapes and common sense? Should blog posts be thrown out with 2020?
Ep. 81 How To Get More Sales From Your Website
Are you not getting enough sales from your website? Or maybe your website isn't generating enough leads or calls.
Ep. 80 The Military & Business – Veteran Owned, Baby
If I could put my finger on the one thing that helped me the most on my entrepreneurial journey it would be my time in the military.
Ep. 79 Miles Through Time Automotive Museum – A Founder’s Story
In 2017, Sean Mathis started Miles Through Time Automotive Museum with one car, his Pop's 1959 Cadillac Coupe De Ville.
Ep. 78 Why Staying Small is SMART Business
When I started my business I thought BIG meant successful. I tried everything I could to look as big as possible as quickly as possible.
Ep. 77 No More “I Hate Mondays” – It’s Time To Make Change
If you hate Mondays, or long for the weekend week after week, you've got to make some changes. No more I hate Mondays.
Ep. 76 Benefits and Trials of Working From Home with Kids
Here are their tips for working from home with kids.
We have 20+ combined years of experience with work from home jobs.
Ep. 75 Say “NO” More and Take Your Time Back
Torie & Sean discuss biggest time sucks in their business, how you can avoid them, be more productive, and get yourself back on track.
Ep. 74 I Can’t Believe My Client Asked Me This!?!
In the episode, Sean and I laugh about some of the crazy requests we've got over the years. If you're a small business owner, this episode will help you work with your marketing person much better.
Ep. 73 How to Make Decisions Faster & Better
Torie Mathis & her cohost Sean go over their decision-making process & talk about how to make better decisions & how to make decisions faster.
Ep. 72 4 Keys to Successful Facebook Ads + Biggest Mistakes to Avoid
Facebook ads can be your business's biggest return on marketing investment - BUT a couple of small mistakes could have you throwing your money away.
Ep. 71 Never Start From Zero – Be More Productive + Creative – Steal like an Artist
If you learn how to be more productive, save time, be more creative and learn how to steal like an artist (ethically) you'll love this episode.
Ep. 70 Unsubscribes, Unopens, and Spam Complaints, Oh My! – Email Marketing Strategy Gone Wrong
Email marketing is the best strategy for creating relationships that lead to sales. Don't worry about unsubscribes, unopened emails, & spam complaints.
Ep. 66 Jump on the Bandwagon – Dig Into Digital Marketing
Most small businesses now at least have a website up, but many are still not “all-in” when it comes to digital marketing. This is a huge missed opportunity.
Ep. 68 How to Clone Yourself – And Do All the Things
Coming from a recovering perfectionist, control-freak, and doer of all the things herself Torie has a step-by-step plan for you.
Ep. 69 How to Get More Customers to Your Local Business
Torie Mathis and her co-host Sean talk about how your business can be more effective at getting more customers online – now and into the future.
Ep. 67 Money – How We Blew Our Marketing Budget
Torie & her cohost Sean go over some of the biggest money & time wasters they’re guilty of and give you some heads up on what actually works
Hi! I'm Torie!
I help entrepreneurs (like you) use digital marketing to get more clients + to make more money. And I make it easy!
You don’t need crazy tech skills, buckets of cash, or dedicated staff to market your business. You don’t even need a lot of time.
What you need is to be SMART.
from your Digital Marketing Coach Torie Mathis!
Let's get SMART!
Let's Connect!