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How To Improve Your Website: Increase Traffic + Get More Leads

by | Digital Marketing, Lead Generation, Social Media Marketing, Traffic

Improve Your Website

If you want to improve your website’s performance, an essential place to look is at the content on your site. The content on your website is there to build a relationship with your audience and lead them to take a particular action, like to sign up for your lead magnet or buy your product. If your website isn’t achieving this, there’s a good chance the problem is with your content. To fix this, you need to review and make changes that will improve your website’s performance and better lead your audience through your customer journey.

Here are 7 actionable steps to improve your website, get better traffic and conversions on your website.

1. Decide the Purpose of Each Page

One of the first things you can do is to define the #1 purpose for each page. For example, your home page should serve as a hub that directs people to the particular information they came to the site to find. Your product page should lead people to purchase your products. Your blog provides helpful information they are searching for then links over to your products. When analyzing your pages, you can create a spreadsheet to help organize the information.

2. Check Your Analytics

Be sure to review your website analytics to see information on your website visitors. For example, you want to find out how long visitors stay on each page and where they go next. Don’t let this scare you, as you can use software that is free, simple, and easy to understand. Google Analytics, which is free, is more than enough for this task.

If you’ve identified the purpose for each page, you can track whether visitors are doing what you wanted them to do. For example, are they taking action on each page where you have a call to action? Are they spending time on each of your blog pages reading your posts? Review your analytics to see if people are taking the action you want them to take. If they’re not, you can start to make changes to fix it.

3. Find Your Greatest Hits

Your analytics will also tell you which pages on your site are performing the best. Look at the pages your audience spends the most time on. These are the topics your audience is the most interested in. You can find these popular topics and double down on them. For example, if you have a blog on your landscaping website and you see that posts on lawn care are popular, you can make more content around this topic and be sure you have strong calls to action on each for the next step you want them to take. These popular posts can be your biggest converters for leads, so don’t miss these opportunities.

4. Is Everything Up to Date?

During your review, as you go through your content, make sure all the information is up to date. Look for any gaps that need to be filled in your content, navigation, or customer journey. As part of your review, it’s always helpful to do some light editing and small tweaks in your wording. Be sure to correct any typos you find, and keep an eye out for anything inaccurate or that feels off-brand.

5. Check Out Your Competition

As part of your content review, look at some of your competitors’ websites. You can compare and see how your website and content stacks up. You may get some ideas on how to improve your website and content strategy. Also, look for content they’re not covering that you can cover to differentiate yourself and fill the gap.

6. Create Your Action Plan

The purpose of a website content review isn’t just to have a look at your site’s performance. After analyzing its performance, you need to take that information and create a detailed action plan. Start by identifying goals for your site. With this new information about your site’s performance, what do you need to increase engagement? Get your plan scheduled into your calendar, so each item gets addressed.

7. Schedule Your Next Review

How often should your business do a content review on your site? The best practice is to do a review at least once a year, but honestly, you can’t audit or optimize your site too often or too much.


Be sure to take action and get your next review put into your calendar and make this one of your business processes. And remember, what gets measured and reviewed gets improved.

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About Digital Marketing Expert Torie Mathis

Torie Mathis helps entrepreneurs, like you, use digital marketing to grow your business without wasting time, money, or your sanity.  She is a best-selling author, Army veteran, speaker + trainer, and your digital marketing coach. You don't need crazy tech skills, buckets of cash, or dedicated staff to market your business. In fact, you don't even need a lot of time. What you need is to be SMART.

Torie hosts SMART AF, a show for non-techy entrepreneurs looking to grow their business, with her husband Sean and is the creator of SMART AF Magazine. Learn from Torie at the Smart Arsenal and on her channel.

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