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Why video marketing is so powerful

There’s no question that video is one of the most powerful tools in a marketer’s toolbox. And while many businesses have been quick to embrace this new medium, there are still some holdouts. After all, creating quality video content can be time-consuming and expensive.

But the rewards are well worth the investment.

Video marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach and engage your audience. And with the rise of social media, it’s easier than ever to share your videos with a wider audience.

And if you’re wondering how effective is video marketing, one study found that social video generates 1200% more shares than text and images combined.

That’s because more people are watching videos, and mobile video consumption is on the rise each year. People enjoy watching videos on their phones and mobile devices. And when they do, they’re more likely to share them with their friends and followers.

This is another reason why video marketing is so powerful!

So if you’re not using video in your marketing efforts, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to connect with your target customers.

Why video marketing works

In today’s era of digital marketing, it’s no secret that video is king.

Not only is video content more engaging and visually stimulating than text-based content, but it’s also easier to consume. In a world where people are constantly bombarded with information, the ability to grab and hold someone’s attention is more valuable than ever.

And that’s precisely why video marketing works so well.

By its very nature, video content is designed to capture and hold someone’s attention. Whether it’s short explainer videos or a long-form brand story, video has the unique ability to communicate complex ideas in an accessible and engaging way.

In addition, video is highly shareable, making it an ideal tool for building brand awareness and reach.

So if you’re looking for a marketing strategy that will help you cut through the noise and connect with your audience, look no further than video marketing.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Let’s look at 25 AMAZING Reasons Why You Need Video Marketing

Let’s go!

1. Capture Your Audience’s Attention

Video is an engaging and visually stimulating format that can capture your audience’s attention in a way that other formats can’t.

Statistics show that video is the most popular format on the internet, with over 5 billion daily views on YouTube alone. And it’s no wonder why – video is an engaging and visually stimulating format that can capture your potential buyers’ attention in a way that other formats can’t.

Whether you’re looking to produce a commercial, educational video, or just want to post on Instagram stories, understanding how to capture your audience’s attention is essential.

2. Communicate with Your Audience

Video provides a unique opportunity to communicate complex ideas in an engaging and easy-to-understand format. By using video, you can ensure that your audience understands your message in a way that is easily digestible.

And this isn’t just for videographers or digital marketers. Making videos for digital and social channels is easier than ever before. The barrier of entry is low, there are video marketing tools that do the heavy lifting, and you can create your first video with just your smartphone.

That’s right, communicating with your audience is as easy as picking up your phone.

And with live video so popular these days, you can communicate in real-time on several social media platforms with the click of a button.

So if you want to communicate directly with your audience, video is a sure bet.

3. Build Trust with Video Content

Video is a great way to build trust and credibility with your audience. Video provides a great opportunity for companies to show their customers that they are human, real people with emotions just like everyone else. And that is an emotional connection that is not as easy to do in other content forms.

This makes it much easier than trying directly through text-based communication and creates an environment where consumers feel more comfortable making purchases without feeling too pressured or nervous about how things work.

Potential customers are more likely to buy from a company or individual that they feel they can trust.

Your video is key in creating long-term relationships with your audience.

4. Establish Authority with Video

In today’s noisy world, it can be difficult to cut through the clutter and reach your target audience. That’s why authority is so important in marketing. When consumers see that you are an expert in your field, they are more likely to pay attention to your message and take action.

Through video, you can establish yourself and your brand as an authority in your industry.

You can share your knowledge and demonstrate your expertise on a particular topic. You can also use video to show off your products or services in action, giving potential customers a better sense of what you have to offer.

This will not only help you attract more customers but also help you charge premium prices for your products or services.

5. Showcase Your Products Through Video

Video is also an excellent format for showcasing your products or services in action and highlighting their unique features and benefits. Video offers a unique opportunity to show your audience exactly how you can help them.

Whether you’re demonstrating how your product or service works or highlighting the benefits of your program, a product video is an excellent way to engage potential customers and give them a better understanding of what you have to offer.

So if you’re looking for an effective way to showcase your products or services, don’t hesitate to give product videos a try.

6. Generate Leads with Marketing Videos

Anyone who’s ever watched a commercial knows that businesses use video to get new customers.

And it’s no wonder why – video is a powerful addition to your sales process for getting your message across. Whether you’re trying to sell a product or promote a service, a well-crafted video can capture attention and interest like no other medium.

Plus, by including a call to action at the end of your videos, you can encourage viewers to take the next step in your sales funnel.

So if you’re not using video to generate leads, you’re missing out on a valuable marketing tool.

7. Get Visitors to Stay Longer on Your Website

In today’s online world, it’s all about engagement. If you can get visitors to stay on your site longer, that’s a good thing, right? Well, according to the latest studies, it turns out that one of the best ways to keep visitors engaged is to include video content on your website.

That’s right – even simple videos can have a big impact on your bottom line. Videos help to break up the text on a page, making it more visually appealing. They also add an element of interactivity that can keep visitors coming back for more.

And if you’re worried about technical issues, there’s no need – there are plenty of simple tools that make it easy to add video to your website.

So if you’re looking for a surefire way to improve your website dwell time, adding video to your site is a great place to start.

8. Better Search Optimization with Video

Anyone who’s ever tried to improve their website’s search engine ranking knows that it’s a tough task. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to give your SEO efforts a boost – and one of the most effective is to incorporate video content into your site.

That’s because search engines love video content, and by optimizing your videos for key keywords, you can improve your chances of ranking high in search results.

Of course, simply adding videos to your site isn’t enough – you also need to make sure they’re properly optimized. That means choosing descriptive titles and tags, as well as providing transcripts or closed captions for those who prefer to read instead of watch.

If you take the time to do it right, incorporating video into your SEO strategy can be a real game-changer.

9. Create Content that Lives Forever

Video is also an excellent format for creating evergreen content – that is, content that will remain relevant and continue to generate leads and traffic long after it’s been published.

So if you’re looking for a format that will help your content stand the test of time, video is definitely worth considering.

10. Create Sharable Content

If you’re looking for a surefire way to get your content seen by more people, look no further than video. In the age of social media, videos are highly shareable, meaning they have the potential to reach a wide audience with relatively little effort.

And because video is so engaging, it’s more likely to capture attention and lead to conversions than other types of content.

So if you’re looking to get your business in front of new potential customers, start creating shareable videos. With a little effort, you could see a big return on your investment.

11. Increase Your Sales with Video Content

Ultimately, using video in your marketing campaigns can help increase sales for your business. By creating promotional videos for your products or services, you can persuade viewers to make a purchase.

Just think about it: video is one of the most persuasive tools at your disposal. It’s a powerful medium that can evoke emotion and spark action. And when it comes to marketing, there’s no doubt that video is king.

After all, what other medium is such a great tool for effectively conveying your message, engaging your audience, and boosting sales?

If you’re not using video to market your business, you’re missing out on a crucial piece of the puzzle.

Content Marketing Guide | Torie Mathis

12. Tell Stories with Video Marketing

Stories are a powerful way to connect with your audience on an emotional level. And there’s no better way to tell a story than through video. Whether you’re creating brand videos, product videos, or simply sharing a relatable experience through video, your videos provide you with the perfect platform to connect with your viewers.

Not only is video an incredibly engaging medium, but it also makes your stories highly shareable, meaning your story has the potential to reach a wide audience.

So if you’re looking to promote your brand, tell your story, and connect with your audience on a deeper level, don’t underestimate the power of video.

13. Get Viewers to Take Action with Video Content

The ability to create strong calls to action is one of the most important skills you can develop as a video creator. After all, what good is all your hard work if your viewers don’t take the desired action?

Fortunately, there are a few simple tips you can follow to encourage your viewers to take action. First, make sure your calls to action are clear and concise. Viewers should be able to understand what you want them to do in just a few seconds. Second, use persuasive language that compels viewers to take action.

And finally, offer an incentive for taking the desired action.

For example, you could offer a discount on your product for subscribers or give away a free ebook for those who sign up for your email list.

By following these tips, you can create quality videos that are not only informative and entertaining but also highly effective at driving viewer behavior.

14. Create a Variety Of Content

Video is one of the most versatile mediums out there. It can be used for everything from educational content to customer testimonials to behind-the-scenes footage. And that’s just the tip of the beginning!

Whether you’re looking to inform, entertain, or engage your audience, video is a great option. Not to mention, it’s also incredibly shareable, which is always a bonus.

So if you’re looking to make a splash with your content, don’t underestimate the power of video. It just might be the key to taking your business to the next level.

15. Repurpose Your Content Using Video

There’s no denying that video is one of the hottest formats around. Just about everyone is consuming video content these days, whether it’s through YouTube, Facebook, or Instagram. And if you’re not creating video content, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to reach your target audience.

One great way to get started with video is to repurpose existing content. If you have blog posts or articles that are performing well, consider turning them into videos.

Not only will you be able to reach a wider audience with your video content, but you’ll also save yourself the time and effort of having to create something from scratch.

So if you’re looking to make the most of your content, consider giving video a try.

16. Create Targeted Video Content

Video can be used to create targeted content for specific buyer personas or demographics. This allows you to create content that appeals directly to your target market, making it more likely to convert them into customers or clients.

17. Establish Yourself As An Expert

In today’s competitive market, businesses need to find ways to stand out from the crowd. One way to do this is by creating targeted content that appeals directly to your target market.

Video is a great tool that can help you create engaging, informative content that speaks directly to your buyers. By creating buyer persona-specific videos, you can ensure that your content is relevant and useful to your audience, making them more likely to become customers or clients.

In an age where consumers are bombarded with information from all sides, targeted video content can help you cut through the noise and connect with your target market.

18. Build Relationships with Video

As the saying goes, “It’s not what you know; it’s who you know.” And in today’s business world, that couldn’t be more true. Building relationships with other businesses is essential for success. But how can you build relationships when you’re always so busy?

Fortunately, there’s an easy solution: video.

By featuring other businesses in your videos, you can create partnerships that can be beneficial for both parties involved.

For example, if you own a bakery, you could partner with a local coffee shop and feature their coffee in your videos. Not only will this help to promote their business, but it will also give your viewers a reason to visit your bakery. And it doesn’t stop there.

Once you’ve established a relationship with one business, you can partner with even more businesses, creating a network of relationships that can help to grow your business.

So if you’re looking for an easy way to build relationships with other businesses, don’t forget about video. It might just be the key to success.

19. Stay-Top-Of-Mind with Video Content

In today’s increasingly digital world, it’s more important than ever to make sure your brand is top-of-mind with your target audience. One of the best ways to do this is by regularly publishing new videos.

By providing your audience with fresh content on a regular basis, you can remind them of your brand and what you have to offer. In addition, video is an extremely versatile medium that can be used to promote your brand in a variety of ways.

From product demonstrations to customer testimonials, there are endless possibilities when it comes to using video to stay top-of-mind with your target audience.

And remember, people are more likely to purchase from a brand they feel they know, like, and trust.

So if you’re looking for a way to keep your brand front and center, look no further than video!

20. Conduct Customer Research

When it comes to customer research, there’s no question that video is an excellent format. Surveys and interviews allow you to collect valuable feedback from your target market that can be used to improve your products or services.

But what makes video such a great format for conducting customer research?

First, video is an incredibly efficient way to collect data. You can reach a large number of people in a relatively short period of time, and you can get responses back quickly.

Second, video is a great way to build rapport with your respondents. Customers are more likely to provide honest feedback if they feel like they’re being listened to and valued.

Finally, video provides an opportunity for customers to express themselves in their own words. This can be invaluable in understanding their needs and wants.

When it comes to customer research, video is the clear winner.

21. Increase Your Social Media Engagement

If you’re looking to increase engagement on social media, there’s no better format than video. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram favor video content, so by posting videos on these sites, you’ll be more likely to get seen by your target audience.

Not to mention, videos are more likely to capture attention than other types of content, so you’ll be able to make a bigger impact with your message. And with the advent of live-streaming, you can now interact with your audience in real-time, further increasing engagement.

So if you’re looking for a surefire way to get more eyes on your social media posts, start creating video content.

22. Drive More Traffic To Your Website

As any business owner knows, driving traffic to a website is essential for success. There are a variety of ways to go about this, but one of the most effective is by adding video to your marketing strategy.

YouTube is the second largest search engine, so if you can optimize your videos for SEO, such as using keywords and interesting titles, you can improve your chances of ranking high in search results. And since Google owns YouTube and that means YouTube videos have a high chance of ranking or even making the first page of a Google search.

Videos posted to Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and other video platforms can also get more eyes on your business. And don’t forget that publishing and distributing your videos across all of these channels is 100% free. That means you have the ability to get thousands upon thousands of eyes on your videos at no cost to you.

This will result in more website visitors, which can lead to increased sales and conversion rates. Of course, simply creating videos is not enough. You also need to promote your videos and ensure that they are engaging and interesting to your audience.

If you put in the effort, video can be a powerful tool for driving traffic to your website.

23. Demonstrate Your Products

Marketing videos can be used to create product demonstrations that show off your products or services in action. Videos are the next best thing to being there in person. And when it comes to product demonstrations, they can be even better than being there in person.

That’s because you can control the environment, ensuring that everything is perfect for showing off your products or services. You can also edit the video to remove any glitches or imperfections. In other words, a video product demonstration is the perfect way to show off your wares.

So if you’re looking for an effective way to market your products or services, consider creating a video demonstration. It just might be the most persuasive sales tool in your arsenal.

24. Educate Your Audience with a How-to or Explainer Video

There’s nothing quite like a good how-to video. They’re informative, educational, and above all else, entertaining. After all, who doesn’t love watching someone else struggle through a task that they could probably do themselves?

That’s the beauty of how-to videos: they make the viewer feel smart and accomplished. And when it comes to creating content for your business, that feeling is priceless.

How-to and explainer videos are both excellent formats for delivering educational content to your audience. They’re easy to digest and can be designed to appeal to a wide range of learning styles.

Plus, they’re highly shareable, so your audience can spread the word about your products or services to their friends and followers.

If you’re looking for a format that will engage and educate your audience and boost your marketing efforts, look no further than the humble how-to video.

25. Increase Brand Awareness

There’s no doubt that video is one of the most effective ways to increase brand awareness. After all, what better way to reach potential customers than by sharing your brand’s story in a way that is engaging and entertaining?

And with the advent of social media, it has never been easier to share your videos with a wide audience.

Of course, simply sharing your videos is not enough. You need to make sure that they are engaging and tell a compelling story that will resonate with viewers.

If you can create videos that achieve those things, you will be well on your way to increasing the visibility of your brand and reaching new potential customers.

Why You Need Video Marketing

And now you see why it’s no secret that video truly is king. Not only is it more engaging and visually stimulating than text-based content, but it’s also easier to consume.

In a world where people are constantly bombarded with information, the ability to grab and hold someone’s attention is more valuable than ever. And that’s why video marketing works so well.

If you’re looking for a marketing strategy that will help cut through the noise, connect with your target audience, grow your business, and create loyal customers, look no further than video marketing.

Looking for the best video marketing tools for small business? Check out these tools to shortcut your video marketing!

About Digital Marketing Expert Torie Mathis

Torie Mathis helps entrepreneurs, like you, use digital marketing to grow your business without wasting time, money, or your sanity.  She is a best-selling author, Army veteran, speaker + trainer, and your digital marketing coach. You don't need crazy tech skills, buckets of cash, or dedicated staff to market your business. In fact, you don't even need a lot of time. What you need is to be SMART.

Torie hosts SMART AF, a show for non-techy entrepreneurs looking to grow their business, with her husband Sean and is the creator of SMART AF Magazine. Learn from Torie at the Smart Arsenal and on her channel.

smart af magazine

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