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Boost Your Self-Confidence In 7 Days

by | Success + Mindset | 0 comments

boost your confidence

The benefits of healthy self-confidence as an entrepreneur are many.

When you’re self-assured, it’s easier to achieve your business goals, customers are naturally drawn to your charisma, and you’ll feel more comfortable in any situation. Business is easier with self-confidence.

Do you wish YOU had greater self-confidence?

Lucky for you better self-confidence is just a week away!

Add these easy habits to your daily routine for the next 7 days and feel the difference:

1. Be A Sharp Dresser

Wearing torn, old, or faded clothes negatively affect your confidence. Research shows dressing well can boost your self-esteem and confidence. So spending your working days in yoga pants may not be good for your overall well being.

You do not have to spend a lot of money on expensive designer outfits to be more confident. When shopping, you can be frugal but buy nice clothes that fit well. You may have fewer items of clothing when you’re done, but the ones you’ll have will bring you confidence when leaving the house. The key is how comfortable and confident you feel in an outfit.

2.Think Positive

Any time you have a negative thought about yourself, switch your focus to something positive. Negative thoughts drain your self-confidence.

For example, if you have thought about not accomplishing your sales goals for the month, you can combat it by thinking about what you have accomplished or the improvement you’ve made. Have answers ready for any negativity you believe.

3. Speak Slower

This may seem like an odd way to increase your confidence, but research shows that those who have higher self-esteem speak slower. Learn to talk slower and pause more often. When your words matter, you won’t feel you have to rush them.

Entrepreneurs who are not confident in what they’re saying or in themselves often speak very fast. It shows where you’re nervous or unsure and causes people to trust you less.

4. Volunteer More Often

Volunteering can raise your confidence levels in many ways:

  • Volunteering can increase your overall  skillset
  • It can show that others value your work and ideas.
  • It can help you understand your strengths and weaknesses.
  • It gives you the ability to give back and feel appreciated.

5. Start A Healthy Habit

A healthy habit such as exercising on the weekends or eating healthy at breakfast is a sure way to boost your self-confidence. You’ll feel confident that you’re following through with improving your life.

6. Focus On Your Posture

Do you avoid raising your head and looking people in the eye? Are you nervous about standing up straight and walk with confidence? Your body language and posture show the world your confidence – or lack of it.

You can mimic strong body language even if you’re not feeling confident. By posturing yourself more confidently, you’ll start to feel this way too.

7. Make Yourself Lists.

There are a handful of lists you can make to increase your confidence:

First, create a list of all of your accomplishments. Think back and include all of the rewards, accolades, and other prizes you’ve ever won. Include anything from both the past and present for your list.

The second list is what you’re grateful for right now. This list will show you that you have lots of things in your life right now that matter and make you happy.

You can post your lists in a prominent place in your home so you can see them consistently and always have a way to increase your confidence.

If you incorporate these habits into your daily routine, you’ll enjoy increased self-confidence very quickly.

The longer you follow these strategies, the higher your new-found confidence will grow, and the closer you will get to building the business of your dreams.

Here’s to creating the life you LOVE!


About Digital Marketing Expert Torie Mathis

Torie Mathis helps entrepreneurs, like you, use digital marketing to grow your business without wasting time, money, or your sanity.  She is a best-selling author, Army veteran, speaker + trainer, and your digital marketing coach. You don't need crazy tech skills, buckets of cash, or dedicated staff to market your business. In fact, you don't even need a lot of time. What you need is to be SMART.

Torie hosts SMART AF, a show for non-techy entrepreneurs looking to grow their business, with her husband Sean and is the creator of SMART AF Magazine. Learn from Torie at the Smart Arsenal and on her channel.


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Torie Mathis HeadshotI help entrepreneurs (like you) use digital marketing to get more clients + make more money. And I make it easy!

You don’t need crazy tech skills, buckets of cash, or dedicated staff to market your business. You don’t even need a lot of time.

What you need is to be SMART.

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