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  4.  | 125 Social Media Post Ideas for Small Business

social media post ideas | Torie Mathis

Do you struggle to come up with ideas for social media posts? Are you tired of posting the same old things?

Check out this list of 129 social media post ideas for small business! You’re sure to find something to help you engage your audience and drive traffic to your website.

Once you see how many different things you can post on your social media channels, you’ll find posting will get easier. Some are running ideas, some can be reposted now and again, and some will breed new ideas, connections, and customers.

And remember, have fun with your social media posting!

Social Media Post Ideas

1. Introduce your business

Who you are, what you do, what you stand for.

2. Share your story

Why did you start your business? What drives you?

In this example, Miles Through Time shares its founder story.

story example | Torie Mathis

3. Highlight your team

Let people know who they’ll work with if they choose your business.

In this example, Miles Through Time introduces a team member.

Truitt at MTT

4. Showcase your products or services

Give people a taste of what you have to offer.

This is an example of products available from a vendor at Vintage Garage Antiques.


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A post shared by Vintage Garage Antiques (@vintagegarageantiquesmarket)



5. Share customer testimonials


  Let others know what others think of your business.     testimonial example | Torie Mathis  


6. Offer an exclusive coupon


  Everyone loves a good deal; share a time-sensitive coupon with your followers.   In this example, the Aria Salon shares their August Specials. deals  


7. Host a contest or giveaway


  People love free stuff, which is a great way to get people talking about your business.      





























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      A post shared by Miles Through Time Museum (@milesthroughtime)    







8. Share industry news

Keep people up-to-date on what’s going on in your industry.

Alpharetta Family Therapy shares industry articles on their social media.

industry news example | Torie Mathis

9. Offer tips or advice

Show that you’re an expert in your field by sharing your knowledge.

In this example, I give some email copywriting tips.


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A post shared by Torie Mathis | Digital Marketing Coach (@getsmartaf)



10. Share behind-the-scenes photos or videos


    Give people a peek into what goes on behind the scenes of your business. This example is of a volunteer at Miles Through Time helping to keep one of the cars running.      





























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      A post shared by Miles Through Time Museum (@milesthroughtime)    







11. Host a live event

Let people know about any events you’re hosting, whether it’s an open house, seminar, or something else entirely.

The Art Barn shares their weekly live events.

calendar event

12. Give a sneak of your products

Show your followers an array of the products that you offer.

Wheezy’s Toy Boutique shares a photo of their team showcasing several products they offer.

photo example products

13. Celebrate a social media milestone

Share your social successes with your followers, like thanks for 1000 followers!

14. Share about your customers

Post photos or videos that feature your products or services.


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A post shared by Mellow Mushroom Cumming (@mellowmushroomcumming)



15. Collaborate with other businesses


  Team up with complementary businesses for cross-promotion.      


16. Show your support


  Let people know about any causes or charities you support. support  


17. Offer customer service


  Use social media as a way to offer quick customer service.   This is a social media post idea that you can repost now and again because there will always be new people finding your business and having the same customer service questions. Tallulah Adventures opens the door here to answer some questions, offer hours, and give more information about visiting them. customer service example | Torie Mathis   


18. Conduct a survey


  Create a survey and get feedback from your followers on various topics.   White County is using Survey Monkey to survey residents about local trails. survey example | Torie Mathis      


19. Ask an impossible question


    Ask a question that you know will get people’s feather’s rustled, like “Does pineapple belong on pizza?” Of course, the answer is NEVER!      


20. Share your affiliation


  Share about a group or organization you are a part of, like being a Veteran owned business or a member of Toast Master, the Rotary Club, or even BNI. In this example, Miles Through Time Automotive Museum shows it is an Automotive Museum Guide Feature.    affiliation example | Torie Mathis   


21. Be punny


  Share a pun or joke about your industry or services just for fun.     joke example | Torie Mathis  


22. Create a series


  Create a series of content that you can drip out over a period of time. I created this 12-part SEO series for small business owners and posted it to Youtube, Facebook, and Instagram.      


23. Ask for advice


People LOVE to give their advice on topics. Ask for advice on something common like the best headphones or the best rental car.      


24. Share some merch


   Share a photo of your business merch, like a shirt or hat. Don’t have any? Use Canva and mock up a shirt and ask people what they think. This example from Miles Through Time Automotive Museum shows off some of our merch.     Merch example | Torie Mathis  


25. Share a song


  Have a favorite song or playlist that gets you motivated? Share it with your followers.  


26. Comment


 Comment on the weather, the season, or a current event to get people talking. Lanier Islands shares this stunning sunset image.comment example | Torie Mathis  


27. A Daily Theme


 Create a daily theme like the common throwback Thursday, or maybe create one of your own.    5 Boroughs Pizza Taven posts weekly about Monday night trivia. daily event  


28. Post about the holidays


 Share holiday-themed content or offers leading up to popular holidays. Aria Salon shared this holiday post for the 4th of July.  






29. Use analytics to re-post content


  Pay attention to which content does best and re-post a slightly different version or just post the same thing again.      


30. A/B test post


  Try different versions of similar posts to see which performs better.      


31. Share a unique example


 Share a unique example of your products or services in use. How is someone using them in a unique way or maybe something different than the norm?      


32. Collaborate with influencers


Team up with popular influencers in your industry to get your business in front of their followers.       Sean was on VinWiki when he first opened Miles Through Time Automotive Museum and was opened up to a larger audience.


33. Host a webinar or Q&A


 Give your followers a chance to learn more about your business or ask questions.      


34. Give a tour


 Give your followers a virtual tour of your office, store, or factory. Jaemor Farms shows where to go to pick “you-pick” flowers.      





























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      A post shared by Jaemor Farms (@jaemorfarms)    







35. Share customer stories

Highlight how your products or services have helped solve specific problems for customers.

Miles Through Time shares this post from a visitor to the museum.

customer story | TOrie Mathis

36. Offer exclusive deals

Give your social media followers access to exclusive deals and discounts.

5 Boroughs Pizza Tavern shares an exclusive deal to their followers.

37. Show what you’re working on

Show what you are working on today. Show your desk, your process, or how your project is going.
This shows when Sean got the beetle in the tower at Miles Through Time.


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A post shared by Miles Through Time Museum (@milesthroughtime)



38. Share expert interviews


Interview experts in your industry and share their insights with your followers.      


39. Share a podcast


Be a guest on an industry podcast and share your interview on their show.      


40. Offer a discount


Give your social media followers a code for a discount on your products or services.  percent off example | Torie Mathis      


41. Announce a new product or service


Let people know about any new offerings from your business.      


42. Share a before and after


Show how your business makes a difference by sharing a before and after of what you do.   before and after example | Torie Mathis    


43. Repurpose your content


Repurpose a video into smaller short videos or a blog post into small bite-sized chunks. You could easily get 5-10 or more posts from one piece of content you’ve already made.    


All of these are Instagram Reels I have repurposed from podcasts Sean and I recorded.


social media post ideas - repurpose content  


44. Give a sneak preview


   Have you changed your office, your website, or your headshot? Give people a sneak peek of something new you have coming up.     sneak peek example | Torie Mathis  


45. Celebrate your business milestones


Share how long you’ve been in business or how many customers you have served.     Or how about sharing about your ribbon cutting?   ribbon cutting example | Torie Mathis  


46. Share company news


Keep people up to date on any news or announcements from your business.      


47. Introduce new team members


Show off your growing team with introductions and photos.      


48. Answer Common questions


You know, those ones you hear over and over. Have a running list of common questions you get from customers and answer them. common questions example | Torie Mathis       


49. Share how-to posts


 Teach people how to do something related to your business or industry.     I created this how-to Google My Business tutorial.  


50. Share infographics


Break down complex information into easy-to-understand visuals.  


Petworking and Co shares these infographics on how hot is too hot for dogs’ feet in the summer. 




51. Share quotes


Inspire your followers with quotes from well-known figures in your industry.


The Six-Figure Coach magazine shares this Grant Cardone quote.  


52. Ask questions


 Get people talking with open-ended questions related to your business or industry. 


Darnell farms posted this image and asked their audience, “What do you think the dogs are thinking?”


question example | Torie Mathis  


53. Share your own top ten


  Just like Letterman, make your own top ten. Top ten tools, top ten websites, top ten people to follow…make it a running theme.


Explore Georgia created this top ten list for Labor Day.


top ten example | Torie Mathis  


54. Share statistics


  Use data and statistics to back up your claims and add credibility to your content.  


55. Compare products or services


  Show people how your offerings stack up against the competition.  


56. Offer free resources


  Give away helpful resources, such as eBooks, templates, or checklists.  


57. Curate a list


  Compile a list of helpful resources, such as tools, websites, or books. Here is an example of a book list.  





























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  A post shared by Millionaire Mentor (@millionaire_mentor)  







58. Share an e-book or guide

Give away a helpful eBook or guide related to your business or industry.

59. Offer a template

Provide a template, such as a contract, invoice, or job application.

60. Share a checklist

Give people a checklist of things to do, such as a packing list for a move or a list of car maintenance tasks.

61. Share an event calendar

Help people stay up to date on upcoming events in your industry.

Halcyon shares this weekly calendar of events.calendar

62. Share a product

Have a product you use every day that makes your day run better? Share it with your audience. It could be a photo or a video of how it helps you.

63. Share a case study

Show how your products or services have helped solve specific problems for customers.

64. Offer a free trial

Let people try out your products or services before they buy them.

65. Provide a demonstration

Show people how your products or services work with a video or live demonstration.

Multiple stores at Halcyon demonstrate back-to-school outfits in this video post  demonstration video

66. Share a testimonial

Showcase what others are saying about your business with positive reviews and testimonials.

67. Offer a satisfaction guarantee

Let people know that they can return your products or services if they’re not satisfied.

68. Provide free shipping

Offer free shipping on orders over a certain amount.

69. Offer a price match

Let people know that you’ll match the price of a competitor’s product or service.

70. Give a percentage off

Offer a certain percentage off orders of your products or services.

71. Bundle products or services

Offer a discount when people purchase multiple products or services at once.

Lanier Islands offers a Family Fun Package on its social media posts.

bundle  example | Torie Mathis

72. Join forces with another business

Team up with another business for a joint promotion or giveaway.

73. Sponsor an event

Let people know that you’re sponsoring an upcoming event.

Vickery Village announces this sponsored event in their social media post.


74. Give back to the community

Share how your business gives back to the community, such as through donations or volunteer work.

Wander North Georgia shares how they are giving back to their community.

give back  example | Torie Mathis

75. Pay it forward

Encourage your social media followers to pay it forward by doing something nice for someone else.

76. Collaborate with other businesses

Highlight any collaborations you’re working on with other businesses.

77. Share user-generated content

Re-share photos or videos that your customers have posted of your products or services.

Check out these Minion fans shared by AMS Collection.

user generated

78. A day in the life

Make a montage video of a day in the life of you. Show how your days go with clips of all the things you do each day.

79. Ask for Feedback

Give two examples of your products or designs and ask people which they like best. People LOVE to give feedback, so watch the engagement roll in.

80. Cohost a webinar

Create a co-event with another business that you can come together and offer both of your audiences.

81. Teach a class

Let people know about any classes or workshops that you’re teaching.

Networking and CO shares this FREE puppy workshop to their social media accounts.


82. Speak at an event

Let people know if you’re speaking at an upcoming event.

83. Share a blog post

Share your latest blog post with your social media followers.

blog post example | Torie Mathis

84. Share a video

Post a video, such as a product demonstration or customer testimonial, to your social media channels.

85. Go live on social media

Do a live video on social media, such as a tour of your office or a Q&A session with your team.

86. Share an image

Post an image, such as a photo of your products or a graphic, to your social media channels.

Chateau Elan Winery shares this photo of winery guests.

photo example | Torie Mathis

87. Save the Date

Share a save-the-date to your social media accounts for an upcoming event.

The Avalon shares this save the date for an upcoming event.

save the date example | Torie Mathis

88. Share a Giveaway

Create a giveaway related to your products to get more engagement.

The Sweet Shoppe of the South shares this giveaway contest. They ask how many cupcakes int his batter and share this photo.

content example | Torie Mathis

89. Ask a question

Pose a question to your social media followers and invite them to answer in the comments.

Habersham County Chamber asks weekly trivia questions to their social media.

question example | Torie Mathis

90. Fill in the blank

Finish a sentence or phrase and ask people to finish it in the comments.

91. Share a poll

Create a poll and ask people to vote on the option that they agree with the most.

Vintage Bronco asks followers to rate this color combo.

poll example | Torie Mathis

92. Run a “Best of” contest

Invite people to submit entries for a “best of” contest, such as for the best photo or video, and then choose a winner. best of

93. Offer customer support

Let people know that you’re available to help them with any questions or problems they have.

94. Share an event

Is there an event coming up that your customers would love? Share the details about the event and why you think it’s a great opportunity for your audience. Visit Habersham shares this local event.

95. Wish someone a happy birthday

Send birthday wishes to one of your social media followers, employees, or customers. birthday example | Torie Mathis

96. Congratulate someone on their accomplishment

Congratulate someone on their recent achievement, such as landing a new job or winning a competition.

97. Ask for wrong answers

Share an up-close photo of an item related to your industry and ask, “what is this? Wrong answers only.”

98. Create a weekly event and share

Wednesday Wisdom, Q&A Tuesday, Car of the week…what recurring event can you make up? staff example | Torie Mathis

99. Share how it’s made

Share a behind-the-scenes of you working on your products or services – show how the sausage is made. In this example, I share what the process is like on filming day.













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100. Introduce someone new


  Introduce someone new to your social media followers, such as a new employee or team member.  


101. Hiring and New positions


  Are you hiring?  Post your available positions to your followers. hiring example | TOrie Mathis  


102. Thank someone for their business


  Thank someone for their business and let them know that you appreciate their support.  


103. Share a sale


  See a product on sale you know your customers would love? Share it with your followers. Bonus if you have the product yourself that you can share images or videos of.  


104. Give a sneak peek


  Give people a sneak peek of a new product or service that you’re launching. new products  


105. Announce a sale


  Let people know about any sales or discounts that you’re offering. sale example | Torie Mathis  


106. Share an event preview


  Share an overview of an upcoming event, such as a trade show or conference, that you’re attending. announcement example | Torie Mathis  


107. Share a Post


  Share a blog post from another company that your customers would find valuable. Be sure to tag the other company and shout out why you love the post. McPherson College shares this blog post from Hagerty. blog post example | Torie Mathis  


108. Highlight a press mention


  Share any news articles, blog posts, or other mentions that your company has received in the press. This is an example of when the local news station came out to Miles Through TIme.  


109. Get a Guest


  Invite someone to write a guest post for your blog.  


110. Share an industry study or report


  Share an industry study or report that you’ve read recently.  


111. Offer a freebie


  Offer a free downloadable content, such as an e-book or white paper.  


112. Participate in a social media challenge


  Participate in a social media challenge, such as the 10-day Instagram Challenge or the 30-day Twitter Challenge.  


113. Collaborate with another business


  Collaborate with another business on a social media campaign or promotion.  


114. Give away a prize


  Give away a prize, such as a gift card or product, to one of your social media followers.  


115. Sponsor a contest


  Sponsor a contest that’s being run by another business or organization.  


116. Share your newsletter sign-up


  Get more people on your email list by sharing your newsletter sign-up. Be sure to share what value they will gain from signing up and not just say, “sign up for my newsletter.”  


117. Create a GIF


  Create a GIF to accompany one of your social media posts. Miles Through Time made this gif where you screenshot to get the answer. gif | Torie Mathis  


118. Share a short video


  Film a short video, such as a testimonial or product demonstration, to share on your social media channels. Carroll Shelby Racing shared this simple video at a car show. short video example | Torie Mathis  


119. Live-tweet an event


  Live-tweet an event that you’re attending, such as a conference or trade show.  


120. Share photos or video from an event


  Share photos from an event that you’ve attended, such as a company party or team-building activity. Miles Through Time made a slide show video of their annual car show photos.  


121. Host a Twitter chat


  Host a Twitter chat on a relevant topic, such as “Small Business Marketing Tips” or “How to Start a Business.”  


122. Create a social media template


  Create a social media template, such as a branded hashtag or profile picture frame, for people to use.  


123. Share your company’s mission


  Share your company’s mission and why you do what you do.  


124. Share a review


  Did you get another 5-star review? Share a screenshot of the praise.  


125. Share a meme


  Share a meme related to your industry; even better, make an original one.  


126. Celebrate Today


  Did you know that there are special days for just about everything that you can “celebrate?” Are you a Star Wars fan? Celebrate May 4 (May the 4th be with you) or maybe tacos are your thing and National Taco Day on October 4th is for you. There are fun calendars that share all these dates so you can get into the celebrating mood. Find something you like, something that goes with your business or just something fun. Jaemor Farms celebrate National Pick Strawberries Day.  





























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  A post shared by Jaemor Farms (@jaemorfarms)  







127. Your Hours

Did you change your hours or plan to be closed, share those changes with your followers.

hours example | Torie Mathis

128. Shout out

Another social media post idea is to shout out another business that you have worked with, visited, or just deserves some attention.

Here is an example of Living Room Roasters shouting out their logo and sign creator. Notice they tagged the other businesses too.

shout out example | Torie Mathis

129. Limited Time Offer

Social media is a great place to share limited-time offers so you can get a buzz before closing down an offer.

The Copper Pot shares their “this weekend only” dish.

limited time example | Torie Mathis

Social media post ideas

These are just a few social media post ideas to get you started – there are endless possibilities for what you can post on social media, so get creative!

The key is to focus on creating content that is interesting and relevant to your target audience. If you do that, you’ll be sure to engage and grow your social media following in no time.

About Digital Marketing Expert Torie Mathis

Torie Mathis helps entrepreneurs, like you, use digital marketing to grow your business without wasting time, money, or your sanity.  She is a best-selling author, Army veteran, speaker + trainer, and your digital marketing coach. You don't need crazy tech skills, buckets of cash, or dedicated staff to market your business. In fact, you don't even need a lot of time. What you need is to be SMART.

Torie hosts SMART AF, a show for non-techy entrepreneurs looking to grow their business, with her husband Sean and is the creator of SMART AF Magazine. Learn from Torie at the Smart Arsenal and on her channel.

smart af magazine

What do you think? Let's talk! Leave a comment.


  1. Jason M.

    Thank you so much for sharing this. I’m definitely going to consider some of these ideas.

  2. Alex Coleman

    Very good ideas you have share here it will help in boosting our social media presence. Thanks for sharing this knowledgeable blog here.


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Torie Mathis HeadshotI help entrepreneurs (like you) use digital marketing to get more clients + make more money. And I make it easy!

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