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types of sales funnels | Torie Mathis

Are you an entrepreneur looking for a way to increase sales and maximize your profits?

Look no further than types of sales funnels! Sales funnels are powerful tools that can help entrepreneurs grow their businesses by driving more leads, increasing conversion rates, and providing long-term value.

In this article, we’ll be discussing the five most popular types of sales funnels: Lead Generation Funnel, Tripwire Funnel, Webinar Funnel, Product Launch Funnel, and Membership Site/Continuity Program funnel.

We’ll go over each type in detail so you can decide which one is right for your business goals. So let’s get started exploring the different types of sales funnels available to entrepreneurs today!

Table of Contents:

Lead Generation Funnel

What is a Lead Generation Funnel?

A lead generation funnel is an automated process used to capture leads and convert them into customers. It involves creating a landing page with an opt-in form, offering an incentive for signing up, and then sending out follow-up emails to nurture the lead. The goal of this type of funnel is to generate more leads and increase sales.

Benefits of Using a Lead Generation Funnel

Lead generation funnels are great for businesses because they allow you to capture leads quickly and easily. They also help you build relationships with potential customers by providing valuable content that will keep them engaged over time.

Additionally, these funnels can be used to segment your audience so that you can target specific groups with tailored messages. Finally, using lead generation funnels helps you track customer behavior so that you can optimize your campaigns for better results in the future.

How to Create a Lead Generation Funnel

Creating a successful lead generation funnel requires careful planning and execution. First, decide what kind of offer or incentive will entice people to sign up on your landing page (e.g., discounts or free trials). Then create compelling copy for your opt-in form that explains why people should join your list (e.g., “Get exclusive access…”).

Next, design an email sequence that nurtures the relationship between yourself and the prospect (e.g., educational emails about topics related to their interests). Finally, use analytics tools such as Google Analytics or Hotjar Heatmaps to track user behavior on your website so that you can adjust accordingly if needed.

Once this has been established, then you can start building out your funnel using tools like Kartra or ClickFunnels which make it easy for anyone with minimal technical knowledge to create professional-looking pages quickly without having any coding experience

USE THIS TEMPLATE: Lead Generation Sales Funnel

Lead generation funnels are a great way to capture potential customers and start building relationships. By understanding the basics of tripwire funnels, entrepreneurs can maximize their sales potential.

The Gist: A lead generation funnel is an effective way to capture leads and convert them into customers. Benefits include: building relationships, segmenting audiences, tracking customer behavior, offering incentives. Create a successful funnel by planning your offerincentive, crafting compelling copy and designing an email sequence.

Tripwire Funnel

What is a Tripwire Funnel?

A tripwire funnel is an effective marketing strategy used to quickly convert visitors into paying customers. It works by offering a low-cost product or service as an entry point, which encourages people to take action and purchase the offer. This type of funnel typically consists of one page with a simple call-to-action that leads to the checkout page.

Benefits of Using a Tripwire Funnel

Tripwire funnels are great for generating quick revenue and building trust with your audience. They can also be used to capture customer information such as email addresses, allowing you to follow up with them in the future. Additionally, they provide an opportunity for you to showcase your products or services in order to build brand awareness and loyalty among potential customers.

How To Create A Tripwire Funnel

Creating a successful tripwire funnel requires careful planning and execution. First, decide on what type of product or service you want to offer as your entry point; it should be something that is low cost but still provides value, so it is attractive enough for people to buy without hesitation.

Once you have chosen your offer, create content around it, including copywriting, visuals (images/videos), pricing structure etc., then set up the sales page using any number of available tools like Kartra or ClickFunnels.

Finally, promote your offer through various channels, such as social media platforms, email campaigns etc., so that more people become aware about it and make purchases accordingly.

USE THIS TEMPLATE: Tripwire Sales Funnel

Tripwire funnels are an effective way to generate leads and sales for entrepreneurs. Now let’s take a look at how webinar funnels can be used to boost online conversions.

Webinar Funnel

What is a Webinar Funnel?

A webinar funnel is an automated marketing strategy that helps entrepreneurs engage with their target audience and convert them into paying customers. It involves creating content in the form of webinars or live events, which are then used to educate prospects about your products or services, build trust, and ultimately drive sales.

The key to success with this type of funnel is providing valuable information that will help your prospects make informed decisions.

Benefits of Using a Webinar Funnel

Using a webinar funnel has many benefits for entrepreneurs looking to increase their customer base and generate more revenue. For starters, it allows you to create engaging content that can be shared across multiple platforms such as social media sites and email campaigns.

It gives you the opportunity to interact directly with potential customers in real-time via video conferencing tools like Zoom or Skype. Finally, using a webinar funnel also enables you to track user engagement so you can better understand what works best for your business and tailor future campaigns accordingly.

How To Create A Webinar Funnel

Once this has been established, then you can start building out your funnel using tools like Kartra or ClickFunnels which make it easy for anyone with minimal technical knowledge to create professional looking pages quickly without having any coding experience.

Finally, once everything is set up properly, ensure there are no technical issues by testing out any equipment beforehand so everyone attending has a smooth experience throughout the entire duration of your presentation.


Webinar funnels are a great way to engage with potential customers and increase conversions. Now let’s look at product launch funnels, which can help you maximize the visibility of your new products or services.

The Gist: A webinar funnel is an effective marketing strategy that can help entrepreneurs engage with their target audience, build trust, and generate more revenue. Benefits include: creating engaging content; interacting directly with potential customers; and tracking user engagement. To create a successful funnel, plan ahead and test equipment beforehand.

Product Launch Funnel

What is a Product Launch Funnel?

A product launch funnel is an effective marketing strategy used to generate interest and excitement for a new product or service. It involves creating pre-launch campaigns that build anticipation, launching the product with promotional campaigns, and then following up with post-launch campaigns to keep the momentum going.

This type of funnel helps businesses create buzz around their products and services before they hit the market, increasing sales potential when they do.

Benefits of Using a Product Launch Funnel

Using a product launch funnel can help you maximize your sales potential by building awareness about your new offering in advance. It also allows you to test out different strategies and tactics before committing to them on a larger scale.

Additionally, it gives you an opportunity to engage with customers early on in order to get feedback that can be used to improve the final version of your product or service prior to its release date.

Finally, using this type of funnel can help you establish relationships with influencers who may be interested in promoting your brand once it’s launched publicly.

How To Create A Product Launch Funnel

Product Launch Funnels are a great way to get your product out there and increase sales. Use tools like Kartra or ClickFunnels to create your Product Launch Funnel. 

USE THIS TEMPLATE: Product Launch Sales Funnel

Now let’s look at Membership Site/Continuity Program Funnels, which can help you create an ongoing revenue stream for your business.

The Gist: Creating a product launch funnel can help maximize sales potential and establish relationships with influencers by creating pre-launch campaigns, launching the product with promotional campaigns, and following up with post-launch campaigns.

Membership Site/Continuity Program Funnels

What is Membership Site/Continuity Program?

A membership site or continuity program is a type of online funnel that provides ongoing value to customers in exchange for recurring payments. It allows you to offer exclusive content, services, and products on an ongoing basis. This could include access to special discounts, members-only webinars or tutorials, private forums, and more.

The goal of these programs is to build loyalty among existing customers while also attracting new ones who may be interested in what you have to offer on an ongoing basis.

Benefits of Using Membership Site/Continuity Program:

Using a membership site or continuity program can help entrepreneurs increase their sales over time by providing additional value for their customers. These types of funnels allow businesses to establish long-term relationships with their customers by offering them exclusive benefits such as discounts and access to special events or materials that are not available elsewhere.

Additionally, they provide the opportunity for entrepreneurs to create multiple streams of income from one product by offering different levels of access at different price points (e.g., basic vs premium).

Finally, these funnels can help entrepreneurs save time since they don’t need to constantly market new products; instead they just need to focus on retaining existing customers and attracting new ones through the added value provided by the membership site/continuity program funnel itself.

How To Create a Membership Site/Continuity Program:

Once this has been established, then you can start building out your funnel using tools like Kartra or ClickFunnels which make it easy for anyone with minimal technical knowledge to create professional looking pages quickly without having any coding experience.

Finally, once everything is set up correctly, all that’s left to do is promote your funnel via email marketing campaigns and social media posts etc.

USE THIS TEMPLATE: Membership Sales Funnel

The Gist: A membership site or continuity program is a type of sales funnel that can help entrepreneurs increase their sales over time by providing exclusive benefits such as discounts and access to special events. It’s easy to create using tools like Leadpages and ClickFunnels, then promote via email marketing campaigns and social media posts.

Types of Sales Funnels FAQs

What are the 5 stages of sales funnels?

1. Awareness: This is the first stage of a sales funnel, where potential customers become aware of your product or service. It involves creating content and campaigns that will draw attention to your brand and encourage people to take action.

2. Interest: Once potential customers are aware of your product or service, they must be interested in it before they can move on to the next step in the funnel. You can do this by providing them with helpful information about what you offer and why it’s beneficial for them.

3. Evaluation: At this stage, potential customers evaluate whether or not your product or service meets their needs and if it’s worth investing in it. They may compare different options available before making a decision at this point in the process.

4. Decision: After evaluating all their options, potential customers make a decision as to which one they want to purchase from you based on price, features, benefits etc., so make sure you have compelling reasons for them to choose yours over others.

5. Conversion: The final stage of a sales funnel is conversion – when someone finally decides to buy from you. To ensure success here, provide an easy-to-use checkout process with no hidden fees or surprises that could cause buyers remorse after purchase has been made

What are the different types of funnels in marketing?

1. Sales Funnel: A sales funnel is a marketing system that guides potential customers through the process of making a purchase. It typically starts with an awareness stage, where prospects become aware of your product or service, and ends with an action stage, where they make a purchase.

2. Lead Generation Funnel: A lead generation funnel focuses on capturing leads from prospective customers by providing them with valuable content in exchange for their contact information. This allows you to build relationships and nurture those leads until they are ready to make a purchase decision.

3. Content Marketing Funnel: Content marketing funnels involve creating content that educates and informs potential customers about your product or service in order to generate interest and engagement over time. The goal is to eventually convert these prospects into paying customers by providing them with relevant offers at the right time throughout their journey.

Which sales funnel is best?

The best sales funnel for entrepreneurs depends on the specific needs of their business. Generally, a two-step funnel is recommended, which involves an initial lead capture page to collect contact information and then a thank you page with an offer or call to action.

This type of funnel allows entrepreneurs to nurture leads by providing valuable content that encourages further engagement and eventually leads to conversions. Additionally, using automation tools such as email marketing can help automate follow-up messages and increase conversion rates over time.

Ultimately, testing different strategies will help determine what works best for each individual entrepreneur’s business goals.


In conclusion, there are a variety of types of sales funnels that entrepreneurs can use to grow their business. From lead generation funnels to product launch funnels, each type has its own unique advantages and disadvantages.

It is important for entrepreneurs to understand the different types of sales funnels so they can choose the one that best fits their needs and goals. With the right strategy in place, entrepreneurs can maximize their profits by utilizing these various types of sales funnels.

Are you an entrepreneur looking to increase your sales? Learn the types of effective and successful sales funnels that will help take your business to the next level.

With my digital marketing courses, you’ll learn how to create powerful and profitable funnels tailored specifically for entrepreneurs. Don’t wait any longer – start growing your business today! If you want a shortcut one of my Sales Funnel Templates.

About Digital Marketing Expert Torie Mathis

Torie Mathis helps entrepreneurs, like you, use digital marketing to grow your business without wasting time, money, or your sanity.  She is a best-selling author, Army veteran, speaker + trainer, and your digital marketing coach. You don't need crazy tech skills, buckets of cash, or dedicated staff to market your business. In fact, you don't even need a lot of time. What you need is to be SMART.

Torie hosts SMART AF, a show for non-techy entrepreneurs looking to grow their business, with her husband Sean and is the creator of SMART AF Magazine. Learn from Torie at the Smart Arsenal and on her channel.

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