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If you’re a coach, chances are you’re always looking for ways to help bring in qualified leads, book discovery calls, and grow your email list. And one of the best ways to get more leads is to create a lead magnet.

What is a Coaching Lead Magnet?

A lead magnet is a freebie that you offer potential clients in exchange for their contact information. It’s an essential tool for any coach who wants to build their client list, and there are a few key reasons why it works so well.

Why Lead Magnets Work

First, a lead magnet provides an incentive for people to sign up for your email list. Many people are hesitant to give out their contact information, but if you offer them something of value in return, they’re more likely to take the leap.

Second, lead magnets help you to build rapport with your audience. By providing them with helpful information, you’ll establish yourself as an expert in your field and start to build trust, which can lead to higher ticket services.

Lastly, lead magnets are a great way to collect data about your target market. As people sign up for your freebie, you’ll be able to gather information about their needs and interests. This will allow you to fine-tune your marketing efforts and attract even more qualified leads. If you’re looking for a way to get more leads, a lead magnet is definitely worth considering.

What is the best kind of lead magnet?

A lead magnet can be anything from a PDF guide to a free email course. The key is to offer something that your target audience will find valuable, and that is relevant to your coaching business. For example, if you are a life coach, you might offer a freebie on self-care. If you’re a business coach, you might offer a lead magnet on starting a business.

The important thing is to make sure that your lead magnet is high quality and provides real value to your audience. If you do this, you will be able to quickly build a list of interested potential clients who you can then market your coaching program to.

But what are the most effective lead magnet ideas for coaches?

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Here are 10 lead magnets that always work:

1. A Free report or guide

A great lead magnet idea is to offer a free report or guide that covers a specific topic related to your coaching program. This valuable information is a great way to show your expertise and attract leads who are interested in what you have to say.

The great thing about a free guide is you probably already have this content created that you give to your client currently. So you may not have to make anything new, and you know your audience already gets value from it.

If you do not have anything like this created yet, think of what problem your prospect wants solved and give them the first step. Something easy and actionable so they see that you can get them results. And the key is to make YOU the next step in their journey. This can be done at the end of the guide and through an automated email sequence following the download of the free guide.

Be sure to give those that sign up immediate access to the lead magnet pdf. This can all be set up automatically in your email marketing software.

Example Lead Magnet – Guide

Example Lead Magnets for Coaches 1

Tools to use: Canva or Designrr to create.
Constant Contact, Get Response, or Kartra to deliver.

2. Cheat sheet, Checklist, or resource list

Another free lead magnet idea is to offer a cheat sheet, checklist, or resource list related to your coaching program. This free checklist or free resource is a great way to show your expertise and attract leads who are interested in what you have to offer.

Just like the guide, you can use content that you already have or create a resource that you would give a client early in your time working with them. Make it something that will get them a quick win, save them time or money, or make something much easier to do.

Example Lead Magnet – Kit

Example Lead Magnets for Coaches 1

Tools to use: Canva or Designrr
Constant Contact, Get Response, or Kartra to deliver.

3. Worksheet or Workbook

A popular lead magnet idea is to offer a worksheet or workbook related to your coaching program. This is a great way to help leads take action and see results from working with you.

Be sure to check back in with your new prospects through email (this can all be automated) to see if they have any questions, give them tips on how to get the most out of the worksheet or workbook, and ask if they want more help from here. You can also point them to more of your resources to give them a further taste of what it’s like to work with you.

Example Lead Magnet – Workbook

Example Lead Magnets for Coaches 1

Tools to use: Canva or Designrr
Constant Contact, Get Response, or Kartra to deliver.

4. Free mini course or training

Other lead magnets for coaches are to offer a free mini course or training. This can be an email course, webinar, or even a physical workshop. Again, this is a great way to show your expertise and attract your ideal clients who are interested in learning more from you.

The key with this one is to deliver amazing value but NOT overwhelm them. Most people looking for coaches are looking to save time and make things easier, not to be overloaded with even more information. Resist the urge to give them EVERYTHING and keep your training short, sweet, and to the point. Think quick win.

Remember to follow up and use this as an opening act for a longer relationship with your new prospect.

Example Lead Magnet – Mini Course

Lead Magnets for Coaches 1

Tools to Use: Kajabi or Kartra to create and deliver

5. Exclusive Content

Offer exclusive content, such as an eBook, video series, or audio series, to leads who sign up for your email list. This is a great way to give them something valuable and keep them coming back for more.

You can gather the best of your content and really give them a taste of what it’s like to work with you. Just like the training, try not to overwhelm them. You may want to consider dripping out content rather than dumping too much as once with them.

Example Lead Magnet – Exclusive Audio Content

Example Lead Magnets for Coaches 1

Tools to use: Canva to create and Kartra or Kajabi to deliver.

6. Free Consultation

Offer a free consultation or free discovery call to leads who are interested in working with you. This is a great way to show them what you can do and how you can help them before they make a commitment to working with you.

Discovery calls are also a great time to see if they are a fit for your services and to see if you want to work with them. Think of it as a two-way interview. Be cautious of freeloaders just looking to pick your brain or waste your time. Choose a time frame that will not overwhelm your schedule with consultations but still gives you time to feel each other out.

Beware that this may be too much of a commitment for those that don’t know you, so if you find people aren’t biting, try a lower commitment offer.

Example Lead Magnet – Free Consult

Example Lead Magnets for Coaches 1

Tools to Use: Calendy or Kartra

7. Contest or giveaway

Host a contest or giveaway related to your coaching business. This is a great way to generate interest and attract leads who are interested in what you have to offer.

Be sure to make the giveaway 100% related to your services. This means absolutely no iPad giveaway. No Amazon gift card giveaway. Have it be something that opens the door to work with you more, and it is desirable only to your target market. Otherwise, you may end up with a list of people that have no interest in you, your services, or ever working with you.

Example Lead Magnet – Contest

Lead Magnets for Coaches 8

Tools to use: Gleam.io or Rafflecopter

8. Q&A session

Host a Q&A session related to your coaching business. This is a great way to show your expertise and attract leads who are interested in what you have to offer.

This is one that could be done on a Live, but you would miss the email capture, so it must be framed as an exclusive feature for email subscribers only to work as an effective lead magnet.

Tools to Use: Zoom or Kartra or Private Facebook group

BONUS:  A Quiz or Challenge

Example Lead Magnets for Coaches 1

Where to get Lead Magnet Ideas for Coaches

If you aren’t sure what content to use for your lead magnet ideas or what you should include in your lead magnet, there are lots of places for you to get ideas. The best approach is to offer your audience something that they will find valuable and relevant to their interests.

Here are a few places to find content ideas for your lead magnet.

1. The first place to find freebie ideas is your current content. Scan through your blogs, ebooks, guides, client materials, and any speaking or training you’ve done. You probably have more content than you think you do, and even if you don’t find the perfect item, you can combine items or get inspired for that new freebie.

2. Next, check out other similar blogs in your niche. See what kinds of freebies they are offering their readers and look for ways to improve upon these ideas. Don’t copy their freebies but get inspired and be sure your lead magnet is different (and better).

3. Ask your readers what they would like to see. Use surveys and polls for crowdsourcing ideas for your lead magnet. This is a great way to ensure that you are creating something that will be of value to your target audience.

4. Next, look for gaps in the market. Is there something that your competitors are not offering? Consider filling this need with your lead magnet.

5. You can also brainstorm with your team. If you’re struggling to come up with ideas on your own, reach out to your team members or colleagues for help. By bouncing ideas off of others, you’re more likely to come up with a winner.

Lead Magnets for Coaches

How the Lead Magnet Process Works

Once you come up with your lead magnet ideas and don’t think this has to be complicated, there are many super easy lead magnets, and you’ve created your lead magnet, you need a way to get the content to your prospective clients.

Using an email service provider, create a signup form that you add to your website or, even better, to a landing page where subscribers sign up. Don’t think you have to build a new landing page from scratch; you can use marketing templates to get a professional, high-converting design in no time. Your email service provider should have prebuilt templates, email sequences, funnels, and forms. (We like Kartra because it has all these and more.)

RELATED: Try Kartra for 30 Days for $1

Once someone signs up, your email platform immediately sends the subscriber access to your freebie. They are also added to your email list. Then you can continue to email them, create rapport, and lead them down the customer journey to purchase. This system is the key to selling higher ticket services. And all of this can be automated in your email software.

You can promote your email opt-in offer on social media channels, your blog, your Facebook group, your email signature, through Facebook live videos, content marketing, paid ads, interviews, guest posts, to your website visitors, or anywhere else your ideas clients go.

The Secret to an Effective Lead Magnet Idea

Remember, the key to making all of these lead magnets work for you is to deliver something of value to your target audience that leads them to work with you. And you must follow up with them. Lead magnets are just the first step to your sales funnel and your email marketing strategy, so don’t miss the opportunity to turn your leads into new paying clients.

Why Lead Magnets Work as an Effective List Building Tool

Lead magnets are a great way to attract qualified leads and grow your email list on autopilot. By offering something with perceived value, you can show your expertise and build trust with leads before they even commit to working with you.

So if you’re looking for new lead magnet ideas, be sure to try out one of these 10 coaching freebies.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

And remember, you don’t need crazy tech skills, buckets of cash, or a dedicated staff to market your business; You don’t even need a lot of time.

What you need is to be smart. And lead magnets are smart for your coaching business!

About Digital Marketing Expert Torie Mathis

Torie Mathis helps entrepreneurs, like you, use digital marketing to grow your business without wasting time, money, or your sanity.  She is a best-selling author, Army veteran, speaker + trainer, and your digital marketing coach. You don't need crazy tech skills, buckets of cash, or dedicated staff to market your business. In fact, you don't even need a lot of time. What you need is to be SMART.

Torie hosts SMART AF, a show for non-techy entrepreneurs looking to grow their business, with her husband Sean and is the creator of SMART AF Magazine. Learn from Torie at the Smart Arsenal and on her channel.

smart af magazine

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Torie Mathis HeadshotI help entrepreneurs (like you) use digital marketing to get more clients + make more money. And I make it easy!

You don’t need crazy tech skills, buckets of cash, or dedicated staff to market your business. You don’t even need a lot of time.

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