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5o things digital marketing coaching does for business | Torie Mathis

If you’re like most small business owners, you don’t have time to spare.

Between keeping up with day-to-day operations and trying to find time for marketing, there never seem to be enough hours in the day. That’s where coaching comes in – it can help you make the most of your time and efforts while driving results.

So what exactly does digital marketing coaching do for your business?

Here are 50 Things Digital Marketing Coaching Does for Your Business Growth

1. Help You Create an Effective Digital Marketing Strategy

A digital marketing coach can help you create a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that takes into account your business goals, target market, and budget. They can help you identify the right mix of marketing channels to use and how to allocate your budget across those channels.

2. Teach You How to Use Digital Marketing Tools

Digital marketing coaching can teach you how to use a variety of digital marketing tools, from basic ones like email and social media to more advanced tools like Google Analytics and AdWords. They can show you how to set up these tools, how to use them effectively, and how to track your results.

3. Create Customized Training Programs

Digital marketing coaches can create customized training programs that address your specific needs. Whether you’re looking to improve your social media skills or learn more about search engine optimization, a coach can develop a program that meets your goals.

4. Help You Measure Results

Digital marketing coaching programs can help you track your progress and measure the results of your digital marketing efforts. They can show you how to use analytics tools to track website traffic, leads, and sales. They can also help you interpret your data and make recommendations for improving your digital strategy results.

5. Provide Accountability

Digital marketing coaching can provide much-needed accountability as you work to grow your business. They can help you stay on track with your goals and keep you motivated to continue making progress.

6. Serve as a Sounding Board

A digital marketing coach can serve as a sounding board for new ideas and help you troubleshoot problems. They can offer objective feedback and help you think through difficult decisions.

7. Offer Encouragement and Support

A digital marketing coach can offer encouragement and support as you work to grow your business. They can help you celebrate your successes and provide motivation when you’re feeling discouraged.

8. Connect You with Resources

A digital marketing coaching program can connect you with resources, such as helpful websites, templates, articles, and books. They can also introduce you to other business owners and professionals who can help you grow your business.

9. Help You Stay Up-to-Date on Digital Marketing Trends

A digital marketing coach can help you stay up-to-date on the latest digital marketing trends. They can share new ideas and strategies with you and help you implement them in your business.

10. Help You Avoid Common Mistakes

A digital marketing coach can help you avoid common mistakes that can waste your time and money. They can also help you develop a more efficient workflow so you can get the most out of your marketing efforts.

11. Improve Your Overall Marketing Strategy

A digital marketing coach will take a look at your current marketing strategy and help you find ways to improve it. This might mean revamping your website, developing a more effective social media strategy, or creating better content. A coach can help you see the big picture and make sure all of your marketing efforts are working together to achieve your goals.

12. Help Your Content Reach More People

One of the most important aspects of digital marketing is content. A coach can help you create a better content strategy by teaching you how to develop an effective strategy and produce high-quality, keyword-rich content that resonates with your audience. They can also show you how to promote your content, so it gets seen by the right people.

13. Improve Your Social Media Strategy

Social media is a powerful small business marketing tool, but only if you know how to use it effectively. A digital marketing coach can help you create a social media strategy that achieves your business goals. They can also teach you how to create engaging content and manage your social media accounts in a way that builds your brand and generates leads.

14. Teach You How to Analyze Data

Data is a crucial part of digital marketing, but it can be difficult to know what to do with all of the information you collect. A coach can teach you how to analyze your data so you can make informed decisions about your marketing strategy. They can also help you set up systems to track your progress and measure your success.

15. Help You Develop an Automated Marketing Strategy

A digital marketing coach can help you develop an automated marketing strategy that saves you time and money. They can show you how to set up lead-nurturing campaigns, create automated email sequences, and use marketing automation software to streamline your marketing efforts. You can be more connected with your clients without having to spend more time.

16. Improve Your Email Marketing Strategy

Email is still one of the most effective marketing channels, but only if you know how to use it effectively. A digital marketing coach can help you develop an email marketing strategy that achieves your business goals. They can also teach you how to create beautiful email templates, write compelling subject lines, and segment your list so you send the right message to the right people.

17. Help You Increase Your Website’s Traffic

A digital marketing coach can help you increase your website’s traffic by teaching you how to optimize your site for search engines, create compelling content, and build links. Your coach can ensure you are getting the right traffic that will convert into paying clients.

18. Help You Convert More Leads into Customers

A digital marketing coach can help you convert more leads into customers by teaching you how to create effective lead-nurturing campaigns, hone your messaging, and develop a sales funnel.

19. Help You Measure Your Website Results

A digital marketing coach can help you measure your results so you can see what’s working and make necessary changes. They can teach you how to use Google Analytics, set up conversion tracking, and create custom reports. A coach can also help you interpret your website data so you can make informed decisions about your online marketing strategy.

20. Help You Stay Up-to-Date on the Latest Trends

A digital marketing coach can help you stay up-to-date on the latest trends so you can make sure your marketing efforts are aligned with the latest best practices. They can also teach you how to use new marketing channels and technologies and show you how to stay ahead of the competition.

21. Help You Improve Your Social Proof

A digital marketing coach can help you improve your social proof online. This means collecting more reviews, getting better testimonials, and putting together case studies to showcase your brand and what others things about it.

22. Help You Set Realistic Goals

A digital marketing coach can help you set realistic goals for your business so you can measure your progress and adjust your strategy as needed. They can also help you identify your ideal customers, understand their needs, create a customer journey map, and develop buyer personas.

23. Help You Prioritize Your Marketing Efforts

A digital marketing coach can help you prioritize your marketing efforts so you can make the most of your time and budget. They can also help you determine which marketing channels are right for your business and show you how to allocate your resources accordingly.

24. Help You Understand Your Competition

A digital marketing coach can help you understand your competition so you can develop strategies to stay ahead of them. They can also teach you how to track their progress, find their weaknesses, and capitalize on their mistakes.

25. Help You Develop an Integrated Marketing Strategy

A digital marketing coach can help you develop an integrated marketing strategy that combines traditional and digital marketing tactics. They can also teach you how to create a cohesive brand identity and develop messaging that resonates with your target audience.

26. Help You Implement Effective SEO Tactics

A digital marketing coach can help you implement effective SEO tactics so you can improve your website’s ranking in search engine results pages. They can also teach you how to do keyword research, onsite SEO, build internal links, and track your ranking.

27. Help You Optimize Your Website for Conversions

A digital marketing coach can help you optimize your website for conversions by teaching you how to create effective calls to action, design landing pages that convert and use A/B testing.

28. Help You Create Compelling Content

A digital marketing coach can help you create compelling content that engages your target audience and drives results. They can teach you how to develop an editorial calendar, come up with content ideas, and write effective headlines. A coach can also help you repurpose your content for different channels and create evergreen content that will drive results long-term.

29. Help You Write Effective Emails

A digital marketing coach can help you write effective emails that convert by teaching you how to time your emails with the right message at the right time, write compelling subject lines, and create eye-catching visuals. They can also show you how to automate your email marketing program and track your results.

30. Help You Build a Strong Social Media Following

A digital marketing coach can help you build a strong social media following by teaching you how to create engaging content, use hashtags, and run effective social media ads.

31. Help You Increase Your Sales

A digital marketing coach can help you increase your sales by teaching you how to create effective sales Funnels, use social media to generate leads, and close deals.

32. Help You Improve Your Customer Retention Rate

A digital marketing coach can help you improve your customer retention rate by teaching you how to create a customer loyalty program, send targeted email campaigns, and provide excellent customer service.

33. Help You Increase Your Average Order Value

A digital marketing coach can help you increase your average order value by teaching you how to upsell and cross-sell, create product bundles, and offer discounts and promotions.

34. Help You Reduce Your Customer Acquisition Costs

A digital marketing coach can help you reduce your customer acquisition costs by teaching you how to generate leads through content marketing, create a lead magnet, use social media to generate leads, and run effective paid advertising campaigns.

35. Help You Increase Your ROI

A digital marketing coach can help you increase your ROI by teaching you how to track your results, make data-driven decisions, and allocate your budget effectively.

36. Help You Stay Up-To-Date With the Latest Industry Trends

A digital marketing coach can help you stay up-to-date with the latest trends by teaching you how to use Google Trends, read industry news, and attend digital marketing events. They can also show you how to apply these trends to your business so you can stay ahead of the curve.

37. Help You Make Data-Driven Decisions

A digital marketing coach can help you make data-driven decisions by teaching you how to use data to inform your decisions, make A/B testing, and track your results. They can also show you how to use data to improve your campaigns so you can get better results.

38. Help You Evaluate Your Options

A digital marketing coach can help you evaluate your options by teaching you how to research your options, compare features, and choose the best solution for your business. They can also show you how to implement your solution so you can get the best results.

39. Help You Set Up Your Technology

A digital marketing coach can help you set up your technology by teaching you how to choose the right software, set up your accounts, and integrate them with your website. They can also show you how to use your technology so you can get the most out of it.

40. Help You Automate Your Processes

A digital marketing coach can help you automate your processes by teaching you how to use automation tools, set up workflows, and create rules. They can also show you how to monitor your automation so you can make sure it’s working as intended.

41. Help You Improve Your Local Presence

A digital marketing coach can help you improve your local presence by teaching you how to optimize your website for local search, create local landing pages, and list your business on local directories. They can also show you how to use local SEO to improve your rankings in search engines and set up your Google My Business for best results.

42. Help You Increase Your Open Rates

A digital marketing coach can help you increase your open rates by teaching you how to write catchy subject lines, use hooks, and create a sense of urgency.

43. Help You Increase Your Click-Through Rates

A digital marketing coach can help you increase your click-through rates by teaching you how to use strong calls to action, create compelling content, and personalize your offers.

44. Help You Reduce Your Unsubscribe Rate

A digital marketing coach can help you reduce your unsubscribe rate by teaching you how to create valuable content, segment your list, and personalize your messages. They can help you determine what an acceptable unsubscribe rate is for your industry and business, so you know where you stand and when you need to adjust.

45. Help You Make Better Offers

A digital marketing coach can help you make better offers by teaching you how to create effective sales funnels, use powerful calls to action, competitively price your offers, and create compelling messaging.

46. Help You Save Time

A digital marketing coach can help you save time by teaching you how to automate your processes, use technology effectively, and delegate tasks. They can also show you how to manage your time so you can focus on the most important tasks.

47. Help You Save Money

A digital marketing coach can help you save money by teaching you how to set a budget, track your spending, and get the most out of your campaigns. They can also show you how to negotiate with vendors so you can get the best deals.

48. Help You Stay Organized

A digital marketing coach can help you stay organized by teaching you how to create systems, use technology effectively, and delegate tasks. They can also show you how to prioritize your tasks so you can focus on the most important ones.

49. Help You Stay Focused

A digital marketing coach can help you stay focused by teaching you how to set goals, create a plan, and execute your campaigns. They can also show you how to track your progress so you can see what’s working and make necessary changes.

50. Help You Achieve Your Goals

A digital marketing coach can help you achieve your goals by teaching you how to set marketing goals, create a plan, and execute your campaigns.

You Don’t have to do everything yourself

Many business owners feel like they have to do everything themselves. However, when it comes to marketing, this is rarely the best approach. Marketing is a complex and ever-changing field, and it can be difficult to keep up with the latest trends. This is where a digital marketing coach can be invaluable.

A coach can provide expert guidance on all aspects of digital marketing, from developing a strategy to implementing campaigns. They can also help you track your progress and identify areas where you need to improve.

Digital marketing coaching programs can also help you save time and money and grow your business. In today’s competitive marketplace, a digital marketing coach can give you the edge you need to succeed.

If you want to improve your digital marketing, consider hiring a digital marketing coach.

Digital Marketing Coach Vs. Agency?

If you want to learn the difference between working with a coach and working with a digital marketing agency, check out this: Digital Marketing Coach Vs. Agency: The Pros And Cons Of Both

If you’re ready to work with a digital marketing coach, get digital marketing coaching today!


About Digital Marketing Expert Torie Mathis

Torie Mathis helps entrepreneurs, like you, use digital marketing to grow your business without wasting time, money, or your sanity.  She is a best-selling author, Army veteran, speaker + trainer, and your digital marketing coach. You don't need crazy tech skills, buckets of cash, or dedicated staff to market your business. In fact, you don't even need a lot of time. What you need is to be SMART.

Torie hosts SMART AF, a show for non-techy entrepreneurs looking to grow their business, with her husband Sean and is the creator of SMART AF Magazine. Learn from Torie at the Smart Arsenal and on her channel.

smart af magazine

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hi im torie
I help entrepreneurs  learn digital marketing.
And I make it easy! 

You don’t need crazy tech skills, buckets of cash, or dedicated staff to market your business. You don’t even need a lot of time.

What you need is to be SMART.

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Hi! I'm Torie!

Torie Mathis HeadshotI help entrepreneurs (like you) use digital marketing to get more clients + make more money. And I make it easy!

You don’t need crazy tech skills, buckets of cash, or dedicated staff to market your business. You don’t even need a lot of time.

What you need is to be SMART.

Get Smart AF

from your Digital Marketing Coach Torie Mathis!

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